Snack & Destroy: Chief Drew Re-Edit

Unlike most Baker projects, Bake & Destroy video didn’t feature any great rap songs. (Though Terry Kennedy / Jeff Lenoce / Beagle / Theotis skate to a song by a disco icon that was also featured in Trading Places, making it by far the best #musicsupervision of 2012.) Yeah, this song has already been briefly used in Rob Gonyon’s 56k part, and there’s a video based out of North Carolina named after it, but we’re re-using it anyway.

There’s a 50% chance that Thrasher will delete this, but hopefully, they understand it comes with the territory when you release skate parts sans music. You can grab the whole video in the December 2012 issue. Skateboarding is so absurd right now that it’s not even worth “reviewing” the video.

Previously: Andrew Reynolds Baggy Girbauds Stay Gold Remix

Alternate YouTube Link


  1. Hermdog’s song went too in though! You cant deny that Snackman! I think its my fave part in that video!

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