Summer Friends


Dunno why there’s been so many B&W headline images lately ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Scan via Chromeball

#TBT that time Daniel Kim ruined the BBQ.

“You have to create all new levels of skateboarding that never existed before.”

Speaking of all new levels of skateboarding, Tiago was in town for Street League and these two clips of him skating Seaport and the L.E.S. Park got brought up in at least four conversations this weekend. #SOTY.

Put a formal Twitter inquiry regarding the inventor of the noseslide earlier this summer (the consensus was Gonz.) Mackenzie Eisenhour discusses it in this TWS piece regarding the origins of the noseblunt: “Even prior to the noseblunt, Mark is also credited with adapting the noseslide to ledges and handrails on the streets, after seeing photos of Neil Blender innovating nose stalls on ramps.”

Some more footage of Antonio Durao skating Harlem, presumably from the same day that he did the line that was #1 on the QS Top 10 last week :)

Given as how they’ve been dominating all forms of culture since Switch Mike started blasting So Far Gone in any and all of his BMWs and Herschel became the new Jansport, it should come as no surprise that the most enjoyable skateboard podcast also comes from Canada. Season two of the Bunt is now running, and starts off with cult hero, Spencer Hamilton. Expedition-1 talk, non-alcoholic beers, etc.

Lindsey Robertson and the Media Bias Against Heelflippers: A Case Study.

Tao did a rad remix of the Nike SB video with the CPH fam.

The early 2000s nostalgia continues. Is the Pace Ledge due for a comeback?!

Glad the news about the Berlin benches getting removed ended up being a false alarm. A replica of that should be mandatory for every U.S. city with over six skaters. My second favorite skate spot on this planet.

Kingpin interviewed Ian from Jenkem about the Jenkem book. Available here.

NY Skateboarding posted up part two of their interview with Keith Hufnagel. A good bit of Brooklyn Banks talk in there. Aaannnddd there’s a new Crail Cocuh with Huf and Carroll. Good bit of Embarcadero talk in that one.

Um, no. New Jersey is actually the best. John Cozz’s HYD part.

Quote of the Week: “It’s literally harder to get into a bar than it is to get married.” — Rob Harris

Enjoy that school year everyone ;)

A Sense of Seriousness…

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Emilio Cuilan’s DANY video is now available for purchase from Supreme and Labor also have copies for sale. The video features full parts from Shawn Powers, Genesis Evans, Jason Byoun, Adam Zhu and Yaje Popson, plus appearances from a whole lot of others. Minute teaser for the video can be found here.

Happy birthday Keith Denley.

There’s this video of Kenny Anderson and Vincent Alvarez skating Lenox Ledges (Antony Correa cameo!), and yes, Kenny footage is always a pleasure, but there’s only one bit of Lenox footage from the past week that anyone was talking about. Good lord.

Trife alumnus, Black Dave Willis, has a new part live on the Thrasher site entitled “NYBD.” Gap to front blunt on the out ledge across from World Trade is a wild one.

Can’t Ban the J.B. Man.

Tredje Akten is a rad 20-minute video by the homie Tao from the Malmö + Copenhagen scene. Features Ville, Hjalte, etc + a full Polar section at the end.

NY Skateboarding posted part one of apparently a three-part series of video interviews with Keith Hufnagel. This one talks about meeting Keenan Milton, the infamous Ryan Hickey house that housed all homeless skateboarders of the era, moving to San Francisco, skating Embarcadero, etc.

Gotta #respect a ten-minute Boston video that doesn’t hit Eggs once. Not easy. “Mean Streets Volume 2,” A.K.A. the LurkNYC boys go to Boston.

Two teasers for upcoming videos that should be a good time: Division from Politic Skateboards (#caddoalert), and Elan Vital from Studio Skateboards.

What Youth did a quick video interview with Challex Olson. He slipped on a sandwich.

Who’s going to lug this parking block to Tompkins T.F. West?

This is tasteless and insane, but you can visualize every scenario of this hypothetical Seinfeld script that imagines the characters’ lives in the week after 9/11.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Who cares about Melo’s Olympic postgame interview, Russell Westbrook’s “Now I Do What I Want” video is singlehandedly the most inspirational sports moment of 2016, and the only promotional material the NBA needs for the 2016-2017 season. #MVP.

Quote of the Week: “I’m so glad I didn’t go to double town China set.” — John Choi

Started the past week worth of mornings with this, and it worked out pretty well :)

#CPHFW Update


Photo by Zach Malfa-Kowalski

It brings us great shame — both as devout front row #fashionweek attendants but also unpaid Copenhagen tourist board employees — to discover that apparently there’s a Copenhagen fashion week? Who would’ve thought designers need an entire [half] week dedicated to wearing all black, avoiding eye contact and appearing indifferent? Maybe that’s every fashion week though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Word is that they timed #CPHFW along with the CPH Open contest, which is like the perfect storm for potential bad decisions (turning a watermelon into a pipe, etc.) Anyway, back to Sremmlife 2

Some extras embedded below, including a day-trip excursion to Malmö, the proverbial Newark to Copenhagen’s New York. (It’s a lot nicer than Newark.)

Features Andrew Wilson, Bobby Worrest, Hugo, Cyrus Bennett, Ishod Wair, Alex Olson, Oski, and my third favorite skateboarder (1- Max Palmer, 2 – Louie Lopez), Zach Malfa-Kowalski A.K.A. Feeble god.


Photo by Zach Malfa-Kowalski

Previously: Copen-N-Hagen: The Nørreport

ANTI Links

max p ben c

Max P. by Ben C.

All those years of covering high fashion on QS have finally paid off! We did a small run of #colorful items that would match Young Dro’s automobile paint jobs for Dover Street Market. Available instore and online via the New York location now. Available via Ginza and London later this week. Regular webstore leftovers are now on sale btw.

Drew Connors’ Bailar vid is the first great local project of the year. Street-heavy Shredmaster Keith part, tons of seldom-chartered spots all around the city, and a good deal of WTFs in the ender section. Fuel for the upcoming week of fifty-degree days.

Nearly a decade-and-a-half later, we learn that Ali really did ollie the 25 before Jaws.

Since the premiere of this past All City Showdown, some of the crews have been putting extended edits online: 1 – “Last Place” where nobody leaves #TheLower via Matthew Velez (the mind behind last year’s thoroughly awesome and underrated Sable video.) 2 — “Director’s Cut” via Westchester’s PFP squad.

Half cab kickflip backside 5050 :)

Olson, Cyrus, Loose Trucks, and newest Call Me 917 addition, Nik Stain, at the Nike SB Garage in Brooklyn. Here’s a *mandatory link* to Nik Stain’s Bruns part also.

Dude y r beautiful women objectifying our #rebellious #youth #culture just so they could look all cute on the way to the gym or whatever man. Jk ;)

Genesis in L.A. and Jason Byoun in the snow.

Enjoyed this hour-and-a-half interview with Beagle Oneism. Tons of insight on the inception of Baker, what being a SoCal-based skate filmer is actually like, etc.

If $1K is too much to spend on the complete Big Brother collection, Jenkem is reporting that the mag is releasing a coffee table book this spring that compiles its best / worst moments. Also wow @ Carnie’s Boob book for $250 on Amazon.

Dont hear too much about skating in Macau A.K.A. Hong Kong’s Vegas. Rad lil’ edit.

File UnderLedges To Keep An Eye On.

Top Five Two-Trick Line Forever Ever Ever Ever:

Now sure what the bigger facepalm is… Nas making a “March Madness” remix, or Meek Mill dropping a Drake diss on January Thirtieth Two Thousand and Sixteen.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Casual video of Curry shaking Kawai

Quote of the Week: “One of my favorite drunk pastimes is watching Gun N’ Roses videos.” — Torey Goodall

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It’s no Late Nights I guess…

The QS Year in Review Countdown: 20-16

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Big week for Andrew Wilson Manhattan Bridge headliner images :)

Moving along with the countdown. Part one is here.

20. New Spots on That Bridge Above the Skatepark

You’ve gone east and west on the Manhattan Bridge millions of times. People will stop to talk about the gap Muska ollied on the Manhattan side, or to say “maybe, it’s possible, someone could do it…one day” about the black rail on the Brooklyn side. There’s stuff to skate on the route, but not really. That is, until this year, when a small but resourceful group decided to turn the spaces between the knobs on the rails that follow the entire bridge into a hazardous new spot.

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