Cyrus Bennett by Paul Grund via his latest part by Ben Chadourne.
“MAKING PLANS” is a homie video by the Thumbs NYC crew, which is prolifically good at avoiding the familiar trappings of Manhattan and Brooklyn in favor of a more northern exploration of the city. Great Olu Stanley part to close it out, and going to go ahead and say that Baked Dougie has some of the most fire flip tricks of 2025. Tre flips and nollie flips with personality. We need more of that.
Luca Mayer has a new part by Chris Patti for Skate Jawn. He might be elbow high right now, but those spots are all for the grown. Ender at the NYPL is very sick.
“THANK GOD IT’S NOT 2024 ANYMORE” is a seven-minute, all-New York montage by Shaquille Waite that’s a great time. Kickflip back lip banks rail + front three Broome Street + flip 5-0 / flip nosegrind + more, all fire. All to some 2015ish #skatevideohouse ;)