Love It When Gus Drops A Part — Gus Gordon’s Anti-Hero ‘VH18’ Part

Everywhere you look, you’ll see holistic proclamations of what “real” luxury is: peace of mind, fresh sheets, the freedom of choice, et al. [The point being that these are all diametrically opposite of Bugatti and Balenciaga.]

But what if “real” luxury in the Year of Our Torched Attention Spans 2025 — was having a job that you didn’t have to post on Instagram for.

Gus Gordon has been a consistent source of surprise ever since his opener in The Reuben. He inspires awe by throwing kickflip back tails in transition, finding a way to eek a back 180 5-0 revert in before hitting that skinny rail in Williamburg, and is generally one of the more creative frontside nosesliders working today. (Pretzel shuv out in the middle of the ledge while everyone else is waiting for the end? J’adore.)

But most surprising is …well, the surprise itself. The fact that we can wake up the morning after a Sahbabii concert and be blindsided by a new Gus Gordon part is so …un-2025. No coming soon posts, no teasers, no B-roll to hype it up. And the energy comes through the screen — the whimsy of someone unshackled from the need to post on Instagram, of a young man who expends zero mental energy cataloging what gets hardposted, saved for the part, or sent to the story. Gus got four minutes of footage. Gus drops part. Us happy. Us get lunch now and watch Gus part again.

No wonder all the people say that not having Instagram is the new Birkin bag.

Previously: An Anti-Hero #tfreport

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