Cyrus x Paris — Cyrus Bennett’s ‘Blackout Try’ Part by Ben Chadourne

The titleholder for 2023’s [democratically selected] best video part, and the titleholder for 2021’s Q.S.S.O.T.Y. [QS office selected, and Keith is still pissed] teamed up for what can be democratically agreed upon as one of 2025’s first great video parts.

Over a series of cross-Atlantic trips, Cyrus Bennett had quietly been working on an all-Paris part with Ben Chadourne. Although there are clips from Le Dome (who else’s first thought was, “Damn, idk if I’ve ever seen Cyrus do a switch frontside flip before?”), the Louvre, and a beloved Seine-side bank, the part feels committed to the non-obvious locales of what has felt like the capital of European skateboarding these past ~ten years.

In fact, the whole thing is a study in commitment: commitment to getting all four wheels back into the short bank on your way back down to the cobblestones, commitment to teaching the bench a lesson even when the ramp malfunctions, commitment to not dapping up the weird homie before your try, etc.

Memory spans are shorter than ever, but this one should leave quite an imprint come year-end season, which will inevitably be here, like, tomorrow ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And do remember that there’s word of another Ben x all-Paris footy x QS-favorite part reportedly on the horizon.


  1. I’m asking my Parisian friends to go check if that wooden bench near Notre Dame js still broken in two. I hope it is.

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