It Begins — Nike SB’s ‘QuickStrike’ Video by Will Miles & Johnny Wilson

Every month on QS is Antonio month, but this month is REALLY Antonio month.

As you may recall, in 2023, skateboarding collectively decided that its Oscars season — which had otherwise been reserved for October, November and December to mirror the final quarter of Thrasher‘s S.O.T.Y race — now begins in August. When writing about this new phenomenon for QS, Ian Browning imagined “a nineties skater version of the meme about how eating a bag of Takis would overwhelm and kill a child from the 19th century.”

In watching Will Miles and Johnny Wilson’s QuickStrike video for Nike SB — a proverbial “return to the streets” the day after the Olympics ended — it was tough not to hark back on that image.

Imagine a crew of four pimply teenagers in 1993, who had just picked up a copy of Girl’s Goldfish video from their suburban hometown skateshop. They push home as fast as they can, dodging the half-full cans of Yoo-hoo being hurled at them out of a 1990 Honda Civic full of jocks and their cheerleader girlfriends. They stumble inside, push the tape into the VCR, and somehow, QuickStrike plays instead.

What would happen?

A symphony of convulsions? A replay of the finale from Poltergeist? The four of them spontaneously combust, leaving the childrens’ parents to find the room a bloody mess with guts dripping off the Shorty’s Rosa poster adorning the closet door?

Because by the time Joseph Campos rolled in off that mountain and onto its edge with two trucks (hoping that the guy who was rallying against all the ride-on grinds in 7Ball last year in the comments has softened his stance by now), even a breakroom of 2024 QS staffers had to wonder, what could possibly be coming after this?

After the Milano Centrale spine twister fakie heelflip contortion, it was like, “this has got to be it, right?” Nope, it wasn’t. There’s like five parts you could’ve shuffled around for the ender, and many reasons to imagine yourself in the shoes of those hypothetical nineties teenagers who just overdosed on skate video Hot Takis. Would they have even made it past the fakie hardflip in the above screengrab before exploding into bits?

And man, watching Karim get the shine he has deserved for ten-plus years is such a beautiful thing.


  1. watching this realizing i was waiting on a morsel of guy footage the whole time made me feel old af by the end.

    the guard is changing. wasn’t expecting much from koston, ba or janoski, but even ishod took a backseat here.

    time gets us all.

  2. hahahaha i wrote that comment you referenced under my buddy’s name.
    for the record, we both like ride-on grinds

  3. Incredible skating.
    0 vibes, 0 personality, 0 music I will remember.
    but thats every big shoe brand video

  4. heard Bobby W’s been filming a part with Mulhern. he’s getting up there, probably better that what might be his last big chunk of footage isn’t lost in this video

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