#QSTOP10 — July 26, 2024

#2 and #1 are interchangeable this week (as they are every week) — but it kind of felt like the skater at #1 was long overdue for top billing around these parts, so there it is :)

Pocket‘s trip to Turkey video is so good. Highly recommended pre-weekend skate viewing. Though you’ll leave it hating your local spots and …wanting to go to Turkey.

Original Clips:


Intro via @hansyklein & @khawskate on IG [link]
10) Georgia Martin via Slappy Trucks’ “Never Heard of ‘Em” video [link
9) Austin Salzman via Ben Bravenec’s Reverse The Curse video [link]
8) Ginpei Saito via Puma Skateboarding’s “Ivy” video [link]
7) Ruben Spelta via Magent’s “Marbelista …A Tale Of Refined Stones” video [link]
6) David Jakina via Pocket‘s “Southbound” video [link]
5) Tallys Jr. via Pocket‘s “Southbound” video [link]
4) Felipe Mota via Erased’s Glow video [link]
3) Chris Chann via IG [link]
2) Anthony Rare via Slappy Trucks’ “Never Heard of ‘Em” video [link]
1) Kyonosuke Yamashita via Erased’s Glow video [link]


Previously: July 19, 2024

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