Mexico City Report — Xolaplayground’s ‘I ♥ IMMIGRANTS’ Video

When choosing a headline image / thumbnail / still from this crew, it’s so easy to go with some shit they’re about to skate into because it mimics the experience of first watching the video. Like, “is this dude actually about to do this?” When the answer is “no” — at least to run up a couple slams before cutting to the make — it’s always a full body battle with ten types of sandpaper ground until the glory of the rollaway.

Pretty much at this exact time last year, we shared Lo Siento Emmett from Carlos Didier and his crew, which was a Mexico City scene video that trudged into corners of the city unseen by the tourists (not all tourists, but there’s only so much scavenging you can do as a visitor.) Xolaplayground’s latest expands their footprint with clips in Guadalajara, London and Paris, but I couldn’t help be impressed by their ability to find the cuttiest Mexico City-esque spots even in the French capital. (That ollie off the roof x boneless x cobblestone bank x chain combo …sheesh.)

And yeah, easy to imagine Felipe Bartolomé’s ender as a magazine cover.

Video by Carlos Didier.

Preivously: Lo Siento Emmett


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