If We Locked In, Ain’t No Switchin’ Up — Best of 2022 Montage

A lil’ late on this year’s annual Christmas card of recycled footage and smushed iPhone clips edited to a grab bag of the past twelve months’ most inescapable songs. (There is post-Christmas precedent back in 2018 though…)

2022 was different than the past two years in that we were actually able to travel once again, which of course included Meatball’s first time on the European continent, aply recapped throughout the proceeding video.

Otherwise, it is your typical mix of noseslides, homie pros, party clips, and other malarky. Thanks for watching this year, and see everybody in 2023 ❤️ (No Q.S.S.O.T.Y. this year because Thrasher was right. Or Ben Chadourne reigns for another year.)


  1. That was really great had hints of nostalgia nodding to the old qs christmas edits for sure.
    I most definitely ended up on Santa’s good boy list.

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