People react to the mention of an iPod the same way they do to — idk, a cassette player now?
The first nod to Kyota Umeki’s video work on QS was when he filmed an entire video on a Nintendo 3DS back in 2017. And now, he siphoned a summer and fall’s worth of skating through a fourth generation iPod touch — the first one to ever include a video camera, released in 2010 — with a fisheye glued onto it.
The iPod Video features a roster of Tompkins locals that you will recognize from Homies 2, and commercials for The Star Team’s new drop of jeans, sneakers (?!), and headphones (?!?!?!) Anyone who still has the energy to debate VX v.s. HD should probably just dig up their old iPod from the LiveMixtapes era, and get a glue gun ;)
Check The Star Team’s new product here.
Kei got a job, he workin’ for F.A.
Related: “Homies Network Presents: Coles & Kyota“
d00d – can’t believe ipods r considered vintage items now
This was better than the FA video
Painful to watch. Future doesn’t look bright
Using an iPod in the 2020s is sustainable & a sign that a person is cultured and not normie at all.