Roman Lisivka’s ‘Métronome Noir’ Part

Any skateboard scholar knows that EuroTech™ is no longer a movement bound by geography or era. Nearly twenty years since the release of its definitive piece of scripture and having gone global in the time since, EuroTech™ remains one of those things that you just know it when you see it — the confidence, the power, the grace with which one maneuvers a skateboard. Tricks are perfect, but not at the expense of having personality.

Roman Lisivka has been on the front lines of evolving this precise tradition of skateboarding for some time now (note the precision on a certain fakie varial flip out early on …sheesh.) Us in the States first caught wind of Roman’s skating via his 10/10 line choreography at Prague’s Stalin Plaza, but he has been posted out in Barcelona for the past year. “Métronome Noir” is his latest part for a new pursuit, and it carries a dedication to black tees not seen since the nascency of Gucci Mane’s career ;)

Edited by Eric Iwakura. Filmed by Henner Figueiredo.

Follow Métronome on IG to keep up with what they have coming next ♥


  1. That opening line was clean af – its been sick watching all these foreign skaters glow up over the last few years

  2. “Tricks are perfect, but not at the expense of having personality” is incredibly well put

  3. I am reminded of kalis lines @ love

    nonetheless quite flawless – dude has a ill style or sure – excellent part

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