‘B-Team Documentary’ by Classic Griptape

Making it through 2020 with a morsel of mental health in tact has required all of us to look for silver linings. For most, this meant reconnecting with those we may have fallen out of touch with, due to the hectic pace of pre-COVID life. For the Classic Grip office, it meant rekindling the flame with a childhood flatbar, taking it on a cross-country journey, and giving it the best summer of its life with a ragtag team of Canadian heart-throbs in tow (who you will recognize from Alltimers, Dime et al. edits.)

“B-Team Documentary” is a modern road film masterpiece — an Easy Rider for the the coronavirus age, Thelma & Louise if Louise was a 10-inch-high flat bar bought from a Canadian Tire, or simply Paris, Texas on a skateboard ♥

There’s some new stuff for sale on the Classic Grip webstore as well. Have a good one.