There Will Be No [skating at the] Church This Sunday

Home of many a frontside 5050 back 180 out and 5-0 back shove-out, this sliver of a marble wall protruding from a place of worship on 114th and Morningside will no longer play host to future “Summer Trip to New York!” endeavors. As per intel via @lcuadrado18 on Instagram, the church installed brackets over the main ledge. It is a shock it took them this long — because for the past ~ten years, you’d pull up to this thing and there’d be a mob of kids who just got kicked off the Columbia campus bashing into the wall during a 6 P.M. service, while some maintenance worker from the church is losing his mind about the noise. Gotta stack tho.

The wax on the upper section of the wall was a much speculated-on mystery in 2018-2019, until 917 #2 came out and we were all like, “Duh, Max. Obviously.”

Now, all we have left to do on W 114th Street is wait out the scaffolding on the Zipper Ledge, which has been there since like 1987.


  1. these type of QS posts are my favorite because they make skateboarding in NYC feel like a small neighborhood rather than a zillion different crews

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