Before product hits the shelves of your local shop, it needs to go through a maze of Excel sheets at the hands of a #skateboard #industry #sales #representative. Below is a tribute to all the sales reps out there worried about their fall 2014 numbers. Or better yet, it’s a tribute to the ones who aren’t worried about their fall 2014 numbers, so they can go out and film chill tricks ‘n stuff ♥♥♥
Features Sweet Waste, with guest tricks from fellow competitor sales reps, Tyler Tufty and Jack Sabback. Filmed sometime after spring 2014 numbers had already been taken care of.
Past QS Individual Parts (they’re few and far between…) — Josh Velez, Torey Goodall
If y’all wants that -ish i got that and more to come. With my own artwork.
Damn had no idea Sweet Waste killed it that hard. Ripping. His outfit game is pretty outlandish as well.
The world needs a new Sabback part of clips that are on the level of his stuff in here…miss that dude’s skating.
This was sick.
What companies are each of them sales reps for?
Very Nice!
when did jack sabback become a rep lol
sweet waste is a too cool for school guy. fuck him. pretty good skating tho
yo ain’t jerry, you just hater admiring the kings from a far