The crew behind the Eric Koston Epicly Later’d episodes had some product to throw around and hit us up for ideas. This week’s episode is about Menik Mati (the most “serious” video of its time) and Chomp On This (the least “serious” video of its time.) Chomp was a crucial part of your life if you were in your early-teens in 2002. If you were 14 back then and claim to have never drawn a Pac-Man on your board with a Sharpie, you’re probably a liar.
We don’t normally run contests around here, but this one could be fun: Film the dumbest, silliest, most absurd line as a homage to Chomp, and win a Girl, Indy and Spitfire complete, a bunch of Four Star gear, a pair of Oakleys and a pair of Nike SB Koston 1s (no éS Koston 3s with custom Pac-Man paint marker art were available for this contest, sorry.) Runner up gets a pair of Koston 1s and a set of Spitfires. Do eighty unnecessary manuals, backside 5050 a ledge in a full Kobe Bryant uniform, do the most annoying no-comply trick imaginable, do a misty flip into the Courthouse Drop, do a five-trick line on a row of three-foot-long manny pads. The stupider, the better. Bring the circus tricks out. Preferably no skateparks.
The entries will be judged by ten dudes in a room drinking three thirty packs, so you don’t need to do the “best” trick to win by any means. The more absurd, the better. The best ones will be thrown into a compilation clip at the end of the contest.
Submissions: All entries must be submitted to qsvicecontest [at] gmail [dot] com by the end of the day on Friday August 31st, 2012. You can send private Vimeo links, unlisted YouTube links, file sharing site links to raw files, whatever. Please make all your entries at least 480p quality. Video format does not matter. VX, Hi8, HD, VHS, iPhone, GoPro, etc. are all fine. No, you do not need to live in/near New York. This contest is open to anyone anywhere. If you have anymore questions e-mail qsvicecontest [at] gmail [dot] com and we’ll get back to you. Have fun.
Watch Chomp On This in its entirety for ideas.
“Chomp was a crucial part of your life if you were in your early-teens in 2002. If you were 14 back then…”
wow – I guess I already sorta vaguely knew that Quartersnacks is aimed at a young demographic, but damn. I guess that explains the music supervision and slang used in the comments.
i had 9 pairs of K3’s, all with packmen on them back then.
“Chomp was a crucial part of your life if you were in your early-teens in 2002. If you were 14 back then…”
Yep. I had to re watch all of chomp after watching the Epicly Later’d, good way to waste an hour at work today.
So much good music in Chomp.
Still waiting for Chomp on Disc.
In 10 years skating I’ve filmed but retarded lines and tricks so this contest will be a fucking breeze.
Here’s Chomp on This, in it’s entirety, not broken up into parts, on YouTube, and with a ‘chapter selection’ in the description:
Young Gaddy is coming up on this.