We already covered that one two years ago, and it would be tough to find something more absurd. Someone posted this edit on YouTube maybe a year ago and one of the comments was “What kind of sick and deranged person makes something like this?” They missed the point, but in a complimentary way. Embedded below in case you’re just tuning in.
Heath does three tricks in his B-sides segment. You could probably make a case for those tricks being the best three tricks in Stay Gold. “It’s just a glorified jump ramp” might be the biggest understatement in skateboarding history.
The real question is: When is Sheckler going to fakie flip the mega ramp?
Can we get a HQ upload of the full video? The one up now is way too choppy.
I mean the Snacks edit. Not ‘Stay Gold’ obvs.
Your posts are killing it lately.
Heath is going to be the first TM with a gnarlier part than the team riders, cause you know he is going to go back and land all those tricks he kept out of the B-sides edit when there’s no pressure on him.
Can we please get a QS re-edit combining the three parts Daewon has put out this year?
back that mega footy too