Photo via The Green Diamond, which apparently still gets updated? Who knew.
The T.F. at 1: Ten Years of Quartersnacks book is now available from Supreme and Labor for $30 — or from the Powerhouse webstore direct. Other shops will have it Tuesday, December 8. Internationally soon. Also, we’re having a launch event at the Powerhouse Arena in Dumbo this Friday, December 4, from 7 to 9 P.M. Free booze, etc. 37 Main Street. F train to York Street. Come through ;)
Vincent’s Free remix is incredible.
This dude 5050ed around the entire hundred and eighty degree curve at the Marcus Garvery flatrails, or as Slicky Boy once called it, “Marvis Gardens” :)
Thrasher posted the full text and all the photos from T.J’s interview last month.
Rad new part from Eggs legend, Gavin Nolan. Yes, there’s Houston construction in it.
New Johnny Wilson HD video blog with a bunch of “Rack” extras.
New not Johnny Wilson HD video blog with a bunch of extras from pretty much the same people. Dude Owl’s Head is coming back in a big way! #trendwatch2015 2016.
New Cell Jawn clip also featuring pretty much the same people, plus the 2nd best post-most-recent-incarceration Gucci Mane song after “Orange.”
Easy to forget that this era even happened — Bobby Puleo talks about his tenure over at Enjoi in part two of the “15 Years of Enjoi” series. Check after the 5 minute mark.
Boil the Ocean on how Josh Kasper’s willingness to embrace pro wrestling antics some twenty years ago is now being co-opted by some of skateboarding’s most beloved figureheads for headline-grabbing purposes.
Alex Olson, Jesse Alba and Chris Millic at L.E.S, down the block from Zhu’s.
Having a brand is the new being in a band. Challex Olson from Bianca Chandon / Call Me 917 has a new video interview over at VHS Mag.
New bro cam clip from the bro Gabe Tennen, who continues to maintain his longstanding allegiance to that awful Crowd Heights skatepark at Brower Park :)
Serious hangtime at 181. Also, the part of it under the overpass looks like a full crazy Euro spot if you take all the color out of the video.
I think 2015 might hold the new record for the number of skate premieres hosted by Sunshine. Transplants, the new one from Zach Moore, premieres on Thursday, December 10th, at 9 P.M. Flyer here. Teaser here.
The fat silver double rails at Grand Central / the spot formerly known as Burritoville have been turned into a four-flat-four-flat-four triple set that maybe Chris Pfanner could ollie once the barricades come down.
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: …in tweet form.
Quote of the Week: “You have good credit man. Want a free iPad?” — AT&T Employee
Almost done with 2015 :/ Year-end countdown, etc. begins this week xoxo.