You Should Bounce


Salute to any brave souls skating today. Supposed to hit almost 100.

Josh Stewart uploaded Quim Cardona’s Static IV part to YouTube this weekend.

“By the time the 1980s rolled around, neurotic Americans had a myriad of threats from which to choose, including annihilation via thermonuclear war with the Soviet Union, drugs, and lil’ old Satan—vis-à-vis metal. Interestingly, all three of these all-consuming fears produced timeless art, i.e. Red Dawn, Rocky IV, Straight Outta Compton, and the 101 Natas “Devil Worship” board. Frozen in Carbonite examines the relationship between satanic iconography and skateboarding.

“[Ricky Oyola] had no pop. He had some tricks but he was a jock, man. He was good but he wasn’t Fred Gall.” Chromeball interviewed Brooklyn native, Ryan Hickey.

Big week for opinions re: Oyola. Bobshirt interviewed Danny Garcia. And nobody sit here and talk like Chad Fernandez hasn’t altered the course of skateboard history.

The Shady One™ has a website up for his new brand:

The new Sour promo gets our best Euro vid of 2016 [thus far] nod. Friday’s QS Top Ten had bits of it, but that full Gustav Tonneson part is awesome.

A video interview with Philly Santosuosso that breaks down the realities of running a skateshop. [Sidebar: Ok, we got a “Married to the Game” instrumental, but could we please get one of the Esco Terrestrial intro without all the talking over it?]

Midtown, 2010-2014 via Hit You Off Management to Bernard Herrman’s last film score.

Taji / Vice skated a bunch of Trump buildings with Leo, Billy, etc. — but somehow missed the one on 47th and 1st Avenue that Matt Daniels 5050ed the sign at in his Outdated part (fwiw, it probably has the best skate spot out of any Trump building, but those benches on 60th and Broadway were fire when we were like, 13.)

Chill summer iPhone video via Jesse Alba with some Paul Tucci sightings :)

The Seasons boys are premiering a new video on the 23rd.

Wallies on moving Citibikes and people starting to skate the Dumbo bump to hill / 2006 Spot of the Summer again Evan Dittig’s HYD part.

YO, what the hell is the deal with that Fat Kid Skatepark? It seems like it has looked like this for the past half year plus. This would be an ideal time of year for elsewhere to take some of the crowd that makes its way to L.E.S. by noon, or like, nice to have another skatepark with some shade. Who’s got the insider info? They may as well have let the manny pad, rail and benches run for the summer…

Quote of the Week: “People ask what the 25¢ on my shirt means and I tell them that’s what my checking account says.” — Dylgr

The shrimp is coming…

The Neighborhood’s Changed, But the Beers Are Still Cold


Godspeed Wavy’s. Although you got a bit too live these past few years, I wouldn’t take back the hours I wasted standing around doing nothing if I could. Wouldn’t be caught dead standing in front of Spring Mart. R.I.P. to one of the final remnants of that neighborhood. Photo via Zach Baker.

“Knowing a lot about something little, and caring about it deeply – even something as ridiculous as grown men making four wheeled planks balance on two wheels – provides a microcosm within which we understand the consequences of those big, nebulous issues.” Didn’t expect this to pop up anywhere: Caught in the Crossfire with an insightful breakdown of the Brexit results, and how they will effect skateboarding.

The Complete History of the 12th & A Rainbow Curb: April 2016 — Later in April 2016.

“It’s 50/50; it’s hard to see, but if you want to live your passion then you have to learn to live with it, or you find a regular job and you go skate on the weekend.” Lucas Puig on making adult decisions that impact skateboarding for a living.

Is Rodrigo TX the new Rodrigo TX?

Literal, on-the-nose #musicsupervision usually get the side-eye at this point, but always thought “Baltimore” would make a great video part song, and also all this Jason Spivey footage is awesome. Is the audio jacked for everyone else though?

Village Psychic travels back to the moonboot era when there’d be seven logos on one shoe, and does a wear test of the DC Relay with John Shanahan ♥ Daytime midtown footage 4 ever ♥ (Is Columbus Circle mellow to skate again?)

NY Skateboarding has pics of the McCarren Park renovation if you haven’t seen it yet.

The internet has a tendency to desensitize us from having to confront other people’s unfiltered brains and emotions, and unfortunately, that played out a bit on the skate internet last year as Billy Rohan, an incredible person who has done a ton for skateboarding in the city, went through it. Like the quote says, “depression is a flaw in chemistry, not character” and sometimes, there’s a lot more going on than somebody “acting crazy.” ANYWAY, Vice caught up with Billy, who’s been doing much better, for a video short on what he’s been through.

An interview with the filmer behind the Rios Crew. Not skating the same spot twice sounds exhausting ;)

Do you believe in life after Love? Go Skate Day 2016 in Philly, via the Sabotage boys.

Rockaway excursions and sweaty summer vibez in Genny’s new iPhone clip.

Taji did the whole awkward Vice host thing with Gino Iannucci for “TAJCAM.”

Dude remember Nadia footwear? Of course you don’t, but guess who does? :)

Chill lil’ Barcelona montage with five Penny tricks at the 1:21 mark.


Quote of the Week: “Until we elect Trump, the British are the dumbest people on the planet.” — Dylgr

Shout out to my man Torey Goodall for skating to “June 27th” twelve years ago for a Baby Steps B-roll part. Who else you know can go from Van Morrison to Big Moe in the same video? Also shout out to all my Cancers bro.

Running Around the Lobby

beach cruiser

Monday Links on a Tuesday for the second week in a row.

Check out Philly Santosuosso’s mini New York part for Politic Skateboards. Eighty percent of it was filmed within maybe a ten-block radius. For those who don’t know, Philly runs Humidity Skateshop in New Orleans. DGK did a sick video about the shop and crew a few weeks ago.

The twenty definitive skateboard apparel trends of the nineties, in #listicle form.

For whatever reason, Shorty’s decided to start making skateboards again (don’t Skate Mafia and Shake Junt seem to split the space that Shorty’s would occupy, had it survived the post-Muska era?), but at least their iconic Horty shirt never lost relevance, as evidenced by this Westchester, NY-based montage. A notable QS associate also kinda met his wife because of that shirt. An undisputed classic.

If you live in/near the East Village, you knew 12th & A has semi been back for over a week. Due to Instagram, it’s now common knowledge for all. So, here’s the first known clip from 12th & A version 6.0. Is filming a lo-fi viewfinder the new VX1000?

…or wait, now that Instagram promos are a “thing,” has the iPhone solidified its position as the new VX1000?

And if there’s a new VX1000, what’s the new TRV900? A Galaxy S4? Until we figure that out, Billy Rohan has been hitting the streets with a TRV, and coming out with “Illumingnarly” edits of standard New York weirdos and some skateboarding.

R.B. Umali breaks down a nineties-heavy top five tricks he’s ever filmed. All due respect to Kalis’ Newport fakie flip, but the kickflip from Peep This that R.B. filmed might edge it out, considering it’s maybe the best kickflip ever done. Also, Billy McFeely 5050ed the ledge Lennie Kirk boardslid.

Craiglist Missed Connection alert! Anyone who reads this site lock eyes with some girl on the L train at 1 A.M. the other night? If you get a date out of it, be sure to thank the G Man at our Missed Connections desk ;)

BAM (the former best spot in Brooklyn), is hosting a skateboard-themed film series from September 6th through the 23rd. They’ll be showing everything from Gleaming the Cube, to This Ain’t California, to Waiting for Lightning, to Kids, and even Yeah Right! on a big screen. Taji Ameen interviewed George Gage, director of Skateboard starring Tony Alva, one of the first mainstream movies about skateboarding and the first in BAM’s series. (Related: The fifteen-minute short from 1966, The Devil’s Toy, is available online for free, and is one of the first films to depict skateboarding altogether. BAM will be screening it along with some related shorts later in the month. It was also the source material for the random shots of kids skating in the original Lurkers 2 promo.)

QS Sports Desk *Throwback* Play of the Week / Article Recommendation: As Knicks fans, it’s easier to remember Tracy McGrady as a past-his-prime cap-clearing piece than the guy responsible for things like this, but Bill Simmons makes a compelling case for his spot in the hall of fame over on Grantland.

Quote of the Week: “Nike Dunk wedges are the new tongue ring.” — Roctakon. (Should we expect a Three 6 Mafia reunion solely to sing the praises of young women in Nike Dunk wedges?)

Not the first time that we’re bummed over local TV programing changes: Despite the fact that Coming to America came out twenty-five years ago, and his only semi-recent output is admittedly an amazing Chapelle’s Show cameo, Pix 11 decided to give Arsenio Hall his own show at 11 P.M., moving Seinfeld reruns to 6:30 P.M. and midnight starting next week. Less of a reason to come home early.

Grit & Grind

d wade d reider

Apparently, D. Wade is a D. Reider fan. He’s not the only one.

Chrome Ball’s 900th post is dedicated to the Brooklyn Banks — “A testament to the resourcefulness of skateboarders when they can just be left the fuck alone.” In case you weren’t going on the site several years ago, we posted a series of interviews about the Banks in 2010, after the spot got completely shut down for bridge repairs.

Nick vonWerssowetz’s new video, CCTV, is great. Mostly filmed in New York, save a part in San Francisco. Great spot selection, presentation, and a soundtrack for all those yet to embrace Future / the future. Features Shawn Powers, Adrian Vega, and others. The DVD is for sale online and at Labor Skateshop for $10.

Check out Hopps Skateboards’ spring/summer 2013 collection on their new website.

Taji interviewed Galen over on the Vice site about his latest arthouse triumph, Mmm.

Were things better when Habitat’s logo was busier?

Mandatory reportage of Corey Rubin and Loose Trucks Max sightings: A sixteen-minute bro cam clip of the Brooklyn homies. All they wanna do is have some fun.

Zered and Eli shred around New England and go lobster fishing in the new Converse commercial.

Notable New York-based web parts: Pat Galloway for Michigan’s Plus Skateshop and Jordan Trahan in WeSC’s “Boroughs to Bayous.”

P. Rod v.s. the Bayside Ten in Queens, 2008.

ICYMI: The second chapter in a tumultuous month for sponsor resignations.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Tayshaun Prince dunks on three Thunder players at once. You know what’s weird? Prince has been in the conference finals seven times in his career; Kobe and Duncan have eight appearances.

Quote of the Week:

riri vs jr

— Badgalriri responds to a devout J.R. Smith fan. Unfortunately, she was right.

Thanks to everyone who linked up the Forrest Edwards edit. Let’s go Grizzlies.

It’s Warm Again

g man

Chrome Ball came through with a sick compliation of Four Star ads from the late-nineties and early-2000s. Keenan’s switch pop shove in Australia is super chill.

After hours with Black Dave by Taji Ameen. He 5050s the top of the metal bench at Grace. The guard looked mad though…

Want more mad security guards? Quim Cardona and Billy Rohan shred around Times Square and midtown for their Berrics “Off the Grid” segment. Light wash denim is definitely making the #trendwatch.

Speaking of which, what new spot is going to #trend for this summer’s wave of pro skater visitations, now that the green ledge in Harlem is gone? Or is the stockpile of footage on it enough to keep its memory going?

Guy Mariano offers some wise advice that should be common sense, but unfortunately isn’t for a lot of people: Don’t spend your time in skateboarding bitter and resentful, especially at a young age. That “bitter at 23” shit is the worst. Also, all due respect to Guy, but it’s tough to take his observation about “Skateboarders getting smarter” seriously after skimming through the comments of the Jenkem Mag “New Alien Workshop Rider” April Fool’s video. Then again, YouTube Hella Clips comments are one of modern society’s low-points.

Parts from the Mama’s Boys video are getting uploaded one by one each week. Kevin Maillet’s is the first to go live. Cyrus Bennett and Loose Trucks Max eventually?

For whatever reason, it’s easy to forget about Organika sometimes, but their new promo is great. They literally skate trees in it.

Spot Updates: 1) That new building at Astor is going to have stuff to skate. You can also count on it being knobbed or a six-second bust. 2) With the St. Vincent’s triangle slated for demolition, the actual bank has seen better days. 3) There’s a new box at T.F. It’s high and short. The green wallie thing is almost a wrap, too.

Did we travel back to 2006? Papoose’s album seriously just came out. Though the infamous “WorstPapoose” Tumblr got deleted, you can find the archive here. The stakes is high like the top shelf in the meat market.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Easy. J.R. Smith off Felton’s fumble with two seconds left. Is it too early to start getting scared about some team offering J.R. a better contract next season and him passing on his $2.8M option with the Knicks?

Quote of the Week: “Who goes on a date on a Saturday afternoon? Dates are for rainy days and nighttime.” — Sweet Waste

Thanks to everyone who linked the Eli edit. Enjoy this wonderful week.