Late Start…


^This thing is at 50 Kent (@ N 11th Street) for a lil’ bit.

The Alltimers webstore is now live with new boards, hats and tees.

Ok, no more skating rails in the 6XL QS tees. (Labor still got them hehe.) is a new, Jersey-based website centered around a single featured clip a la the defunct Via the same dudes who brought you In Crust We Trust and Brick City Street Styles. The first one is solid.

New part from the always underrated Ron Deily — though you wonder if he finally starts getting the credit he has long deserved given today’s no comply and wallie-favoring political climate. (This one is another personal favorite.)

Free Skate Mag interviewed another oft-underrated New Jersey legend, Pete Eldridge — one of the few guys to successfully pull off a comeback in skateboarding, and winner of the 2012 Q.S.S.O.T.Y. award (for a single line.)

Village Psychic came through with a four-minute Jordhan Trahan remix, that probably stands as his most comprehensive full “part” to-date.

Michael Carroll (who turns 40 today), does a frontside kickflip over a mini picnic table at the 3:30ish mark of this clip from the Stay Flared tour.

Backing 50 Cent #musicsupervision for a 2015 video part. Miss the guy :(

More terrible skateparks!

Usually not into internet writing that tells me “WHY ______ IS IMPORTANT,” but SMLTalk is spot on re: the virtues of the Dime Glory Challenge.

The Blabac x Stevie photos are among the best skate photos that exist.

The only thing I remember from Mountain Dew: The Movie is Tiago Lemos’ footage and everyone unanimously agreeing that he is now the best skateboarder alive, so you should watch his Gold Goons section again.


Quote of the Week

Esco dancing is truly life altering.

We Are Bruvs


Photo via

There’s no reason to believe a Muska Epicly Later’d is going down anytime soon. This comprehensive hour-and-forty-minute interview with him on Anthony Shetler’s podcast is the best you’re going to get for a while.

Fakie Hill Bomb’s interview with #forward #thinking skatepark designer, Søren Enevoldsen, is great. “In terms of skateboarding, all you basically need for a skatespot to be succesful, is a couple of granite benches placed on a somewhat large flatground area with a smooth hard surface in an inner city context.” …yet somehow, this concept gets lost for the ramp-to-ledge skatepark designers we get. Just build this pls thx.

On that note, it’s nice to see that the Sants spot in Barcelona has experienced a rebirth with new, skater-made ledges recently. Looks like the Spanish version of Stalin Plaza.

Going from running a skate shop to being a hired mercenary who protects freight liners from Somali pirates must be one of the more drastic career changes to ever happen.

New Juicy Elbows iPhone vid.

Canadians keep innovating in 2015. Canada is having a moment.

Running a Canadian skateboard company hasn’t gotten any easier though.

Iron Claw in Montreal, with Lou, Phil, Kennedy, etc. ///end Canada content.

Always wondered if someone would skate the wooden benches in subway stations…

SMLTalk runs down the soundtrack to Brandon Biebel’s career. “Living It Up” + Biebel is without question one of the top five #musicsupervision decisions in the history of skateboard videos. Nollie flip the four block in Atlanta + “If you looking for me homie I’m in the ATL” Jeezy sync is perfect too.

If T.F. West is the new T.F. and T.F. 20 on 20th & 2nd is the new T.F. West (but on the east side), what does that make regular T.F?

Skateboarders and being #responsible, as it stands in 2015.

Shout out to the homie Baker for pointing me in the direction of this vegan skate shoe brand from the mid-nineties’ video that I’ve never seen before, at least in full. It’s oddly very contemporary, and very enjoyable. #very.

Quote of the Week: “I listened to the NPBS soundtrack the other day. It’s the only thing that makes me want to start drinking again.” — Baptiste

R.I.P. Sean P.

Interesting Landing


Photo via Jules

Some angel uploaded the Stick Up Kids NY premiere clip from 2006. For those who may not know, was the home of Flipmode, which would later become Bronze in the early 2010s. The clip is way ahead of its time :)

Mick Robbins has a new mini video entitled “Girls Are Hot” (girls are hot) that is mostly filmed in New York. Features a new silent Jason Byoun part. He’s maybe the the first one to ever film a line with a backpack on his chest.

Pretty sure there will be a ton of kids trying no comply hurricane grinds on the fat flat rail at L.E.S. this fall. Also, we need to get more crates at Tompkins.

The six-level arc of getting hooked up at your local shop.

Nostalgia: Luy Pa Sin B-sides from the Lordz TDGAFAU era, and round 2 of Jim Hodgson’s In Absenita C-roll. The Stevie frontside heel is really cool :)

Everyone gets all bleary eyed when they talk about Modus or In Bloom, but some of those old TWS videos kinda just fell in the pile in the internet era. Village Psychic looked back at reasons worth revisiting some of them. Gotta give some special bonus nods to Pete Eldridge’s Hallelujah part, Smolik’s Let’s Do This part, and Bobby Worrest’s Right Foot Forward part.

Yesterday, I broke edge and went to the Zumiez in Union Square.”

Avoiding the same questions for every interview with a skater is tough. Skateboard Story has a rad one with Mackenzie Eisenhour, one of the best interviewers in all of skate media. “The only way to adapt if you want to work in it for me is just to keep skating. That’s the only constant. The act itself doesn’t really change. If I stopped skating myself, I would really have a hard time pretending to care about any of it. I honestly have no idea how people who have quit skating still work in the industry.”

Cell Jawn #12 and Skate Sundays #50.

Jenkem runs down the best fakie ollies of all time, an inherently awkward looking trick if there ever was one.

A few New York clips in these Brad Cromer B-sides from Outliers.

So that’s where the “Grindin'” beat came from…

Quote of the Week: “Have you ever eaten at Quizno’s before? It sucks.” — Cyrus

Transition sucks ;)

Already August


Photo via Troy

Sometimes you gotta get up and laugh it off, you know? (That girl rips btw.)

Anyone wondering when the stuff that was at T.F. on Friday will reappear, follow N.Y. Ramp Co. on Instagram for alerts. Supposedly at Tompkins once a week.

Shout out to Adidas for acknowledging that Columbus Circle is the last remaining true “plaza” in New York with their plaza-loving Suciu part. (Flushing is not a plaza spot…it takes fifteen minutes to skate to the nearest store, among other things.)

A fan remix of some reigning Q.S.S.O.T.Y. Max Palmer video blog footage.

Yo, everyone needs to get better at looking out for cars when your boy is skating some spot that leads out into the street. In the immortal words of Rob Campbell: “It might be funny when you get hit by a car, but not when you get run over by one.”

Good for a laugh: a #listicle of the worst skateparks ever built.

Maybe it’s because we’re biased on this side of the country and they’ve been running way more east coast stuff as of late, but tough to disagree that Transworld issues have somehow gotten better as they have slimmed down and print has taken a backseat to online. Skateboard Story has a good interview with Mike Fitzgerald, TWS‘ director of sales, about keeping a three-decade-old skate magazine afloat in 2015.

Life lessons learned from The Hot Chocolate Tour via SMLTalk. Ayo for yayo.

This was basically like Inside the Skater’s Studio with Donny Barley.

#girl #power. “I just like to kickflip over stuff.”

Joe Cups uploaded a bonus montage from the 2004 Lurkers 2 video to his YouTube page. R.I.P. old back of Union Square. R.I.P. Pepsi Ledge. R.I.P. to the really good metal ledge with bad ground on Duane and Hudson Streets. (He also uploaded a better quality version of Lurkers 2 itself.)

The olds v.s. the youngs — chapter 95,746: “ironic” skateboarding edition a.k.a. how these ten seconds of Seymour Skinner will never not be relevant.

Every trick done down Clipper in seven minutes.

Colin Sussingham is having a show at 2nd Nature in Bushwick on Friday. $1 prints :)

The New Yorker is really into skateboarding these days.

Big last week for New Jersey. Shout out to Paterson.

Quote of the Week: “Do you know where I can get Xanax? …or any other drugs? …is that VX? I used to skate.” — Soho Lurker

Please @ me once someone does a trick into this. Thanks ;)

‘Nice To Meet You, I Run a Core Skate Brand’


^ #core #skateboarding

“I can’t talk to these people about Thug Motivation when we have fake money in the boxes.” Thanks for everything man #july26ththeboydeliveredaclassic

Damn, the dude on the New Yorker cover can barely even ollie.

Free Skate Mag has another Lucas Puig Instagram remix, edited to that Young Thug song that everyone really tried to make happen #in #da #club at the start of the summer but already forgot about. Works great for the vid though.

The “Summer Trip to New York” edits are finally starting to roll in! As is the DS2 music supervision! Thought it was a drought! D.C’s Palace 5ive rolled up to New York for a bit and came back with a five-minute VX montage.

Someone made a new Cyrus Bennett remix with a bunch of his HD video blog footage.

Kareem Campbell still got it.

Quick two-minute montage with a bunch of Bronze affiliates and a three-minute montage with a bunch of dudes from the Bronx.

Whatever, DJ Khaled is still one of my favorite skaters.

Amazing that a lot of these European D.I.Y. spots started with a single quarterpipe. Or that, like, they’ve been allowed to exist for as long as they have.

Fakie Hill Bomb has a cool interview with Iain Borden, one of the most vocal pro-skateboarding architecture academics, about the future of integrating skating into modern public spaces (e.g. hopefully this.)

Diamond Days #82.

Making It Happen is a new all-New York vid coming out later this year. Teaser here.

The Times put together a “where are they now?” feature for that movie that skaters really like on the occasion of its 20-year-anniversary.

Spot Checks: There’s a new wallie thing behind T.F. and a BMW at Lenox.

Quote of the Week: “I watched Wild, it was like a fakeass Into the Wild.” — E.J.

In case you haven’t already heard / seen: the NYPD installed a police tower in the middle of Tompkins. Be careful doing whippits behind the basketball court after you lose on a nollie flip in S.K.A.T.E.