All Snacks Not 1 Opinion

Photo by Colin Sussingham

Our webstore is now restocked with fall items. Available now in the U.S., Canada, Japan and Korea. Arriving to Europe and Australia this week. You can find a list of shops that carry QS garms on our stockists page. Thanks ♥

Here’s the video of the Alltimers team’s van trip through New England’s circuit of skateparks. If you didn’t think Dana Ericson could be in contention for MVP of a skatepark trip, then you were dead wrong ;)

Village Psychic did a quick interview with J.P. Blair about filming for the new Bronze 56k video, It’s Time.

“For longtime devotees of the Art Dump, SHT Sound and goldfish-toting retirement home scammers, it’s difficult to separate dudes’ seeming lack of enthusiasm for skating their own boards with the company’s at times painful evolution.” Boil the Oceans looks toward the future of Girl Skateboards on the announcement of their upcoming am-focused video, Doll.

Element did a Keith Harring collaboration and the only reason we’re telling you about it is because the accompanying video for it contains about a minute of new Brandon Westgate footage from the Banks.

This dude’s flip tricks are something else: watch Shawn Butler’s new 80% L.A. / 20% east coast part by Harry Bergenfield.

Big week for Chief Keef video parts, and a bad week for that antiquated tradition of keeping an unenthused stone face after you land your ender. Here’s another section from the Buffalo-based Jeb video. We have been claiming we’d drive to Albany to skate Empire State Plaza since before the summer, and now’s it’s probably too cold, huh?

Thrasher posted up the video for the Alltimers’ skate jam at Fat Kid Park.

Stop Fakin’ 3 is now online in full.

“Bryan saw this pool while landscaping at the house next door and somehow charmed the owner into letting us skate for two weekends. How he did this, I have no clue. Must have been just the right mix of 7-11 egg salad, and ’90s skate photos that gave him the confidence.”

Some of you will be triggered by the aesthetics, but the skateboarding in Romain Batard’s “Giddy” series is always unique, albeit in a fried way. Episode #9 is live.

Ignoring the fact that its objectively horrid to look at (not even talking as a skateboarder here…but what the hell is wrong with them renovating these parks in a way that makes it look like their budget was a $200 Home Depot gift card?), there are these weird slappy metal things at the park on Spring and Sixth Avenue now A.K.A. the old marble chessboard park.

Bad news: McNally Jackson is closing. Good news: They’re insisting that they will remain in the neighborhood. So excited for that corner to become a Chase bank :(

QS Spots Desk Play of the Week: The Trae Young game winner seems like it was the most unavoidable highlight of the preseason. Regular season starts Wednesday!

Quote of the Week: “They don’t play Drizzy in pubs man.” — Tiko re: whether he heard the Spanish Drake song in London

Happy early 10/17!

Summer Mondays

Was contemplating taking a four-day weekend and not posting Monday Links until Wednesday, but got enough people in the office to cruise around the internet for a bit. Russ got MVP, Phil got fired and Tyshawn fakie ollied a trash can in front of Supreme since the last Monday Links post, and all of those things feel like they happened a month ago…(Don’t know who took the photo above btw.)

Quick one of Sean Pablo at the Brooklyn Banks.

Omg, Kohlton and a Logan sighting in the same clip. Do we begin a petition for a joint part? New summer iPhone montage from Genny.

There are a bunch of Alltimers boys in the Blue Collar Hardware video, made by the same minds as the Green Apple videos a la secretly some of the most influential videos of the past ten years / the first influence Peter cites in any Bronze-related interview / lol at people in comments calling it a Bronze bite.

Romain Batard uploaded a “Summer Trip to New York” montage with one of the cooler recent lines at Fredrick Douglas Plaza. Also, why does it seem like that spot almost exclusively appears in “_____ Trip to New York” videos?

LurkNYC put together another Hotel Blue montage + another NY Times outtakes clip.

Theories of Atlantis got all urban planner on us and broke down Robert Moses’ circumstantial influence on New York skate spots — though not sure Stuy-Town is really an actual spot for normal humans.

Seems like it has been a big past couple of years for spots resurrecting. Here’s an interview about the effort to restore London’s Southbank undercroft to its original form from pre-2004. (Small Banks helllllooooo.)

You probably caught this one already: Nick Ferro dropped a rad part for Grand Collection. No rapper did anything too cool with that beat and it’s sad :(

All the illicit uploads kept getting deleted, but Yaje’s part from Riddles is now online.

Tennyson came through with yet another 411 remix, this time of Kareem Campbell and Donger. Essential viewing, especially the Kareem demo / contest footage. Wow.

Both of these are heavy on the art and minimal on the tricks, but maybe you’re into that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ … Krooked in NYC, and a longform “One Night in New York” Cons commercial with Aaron Herrington and Brian Delatorre.

Quote of the Week
Hungry Gentleman: “I’m thinking about going to Lil’ Frankie’s.”
Jesse Alba: “Damn, you have that much cash on you?”

When you wear a Saturdays hoody on your mixtape cover but your shit goes…