Bronze + Palace ‘Paramount’ Swedish Premiere Recap


We were fortunate enough to be flown out to Sweden on the occasion of DJ Thando’s (of Alltimers shirt notoriety) European debut. When not handling entourage duties or tending to his rider, we were given brief moments to sleep, and a small block of downtime to also orchestrate the Swedish premiere of Bronze and Palace’s cocaine-addicted Paramount video.

Sweden may be the fourth best place on earth to live, but we were in a dark pocket of the Scandinavian nation that did not know the word “wifi.” Forced to improvise, we attempted to create a mobile hotspot with a 4G iPhone, and later a 3G iPhone — only to wait thirty minutes for Blondey’s part to load halfway, twice. Then, a dark artifact from the past emerged to the rescue: a BlackBerry.

Many Swedish and American skate celebrities huddled around the three-inch screen to watch the twenty-minute pro-chiz PSA, as it was the only device capable of loading the project in its entirety. The video concluded with a text message from AT&T informing the owner of the phone that they just accrued $50 in international data roaming overages over the course of twenty minutes. We are proud to have experienced Paramount at the highest cost:screen size skate premiere ever held.

Don’t throw away your old phones, I think 56 nights crazy, and Kevin is the best.