Photo via @crustymuskymug on IG. “You couldn’t have known what I did for this [noseslide].”
With the chaos of awards season over and the faint glimmer of spring ahead of us, it is time that we shift our attention back on what’s most important: noseslides. (“The building block of modern skateboarding” © Frozen in Carbonite.)
Though the current crop of heavily #curated skaters lean towards the simpler side of the trick spectrum, they have seldom found a place for a plain noseslide in their video parts. The noseslide has thus, in turn, found a modern home in fifteen second Instagram clips, where scrutiny of “easy” tricks does not run as high.
Topic 1: IG output made our 2014 Noseslider of the Year award winner an easy call.
With the madness that was December (remember that week when there were six QS updates?! Crazy times, man), we were not allowed to shine a proper light on the most prolific noseslider of those past twelve months. But NBA teams don’t get their championship rings ’til the middle of the season anyway, so consider the clip above a Finals DVD.