Free Charles Oakley

reem clyde

Kareem & Clyde. Photo by Jody Morris.

Shout out to everyone out there who just goes for it, yaknow?

New Gino Iannucci footage. No, really. It’s not a link to Lemon Party.

“If 2016’s tale of political and social upset is one of old against young and the educated against the left-behind, actually sharing space and interacting with different kinds of people is more important than it’s ever been.” Caught in the Crossfire has an incredible piece on Malmö, Sweden’s status as the world’s most forward-thinking small city with regard to skateable public space.

You probably caught this already, but Bronze dropped a video right after #QSTOP10 had been submitted on Thursday, entitled 56,000. Best Jordan footy since the 5Boro video :) Josh Wilson looks really hot in it too ♥

Been a heavy week on the remix video circuit. After all, remixing pros’ loose footage is our version of fantasy sports, and it’s February, sooooo…

The Tennyson Corporation, skateboarding’s finest remix house, put together an incredible part of Drake Jones and Pepe Martinez, utilizing all the clips they’ve ever had in 411 videos. Does Drake Jones have the best non-Kalisian tre flip?

Can’t remember the last time the word “beautiful” came to mind watching a skate video, but this remix of all Jesus Fernandez’s footage since Pretty Sweet to “Hang On To Your Love” is perfect. Perhaps more than any other skater, Jesus has a remarkable ability to make tricks that have no business looking good look incredible.

Here’s an unofficial “pro mix” of Sean Pablo on the occasion of his first pro board.

Skateboarding x Black History Month via Mehrathon. Stay tuned for something special with the guy who opens up that montage later this week. (Not Paul Mooney.)

Someone remixed a bunch of arbitrary Johnny Wilson footage for a clip called “Fountain.” We’d like a give a special shout out to the one video blog clip a week era.

Handful of loosies from full videos also went online this past week: 1) Here’s Elijah Cole’s part from Lurkers 3, which you could buy a hard copy of over on Joe Cups’ website. 2) Zach Moore’s part from Insano, Pete Spooner’s half New York / half Minneapolis video. 3) Here’s Jersey Dave’s part (Quim cameo!) and Matt Genovese’s part from Steven Mastorelli’s Meadowlands video, a Jersey project very much in the tradition of Justin White, J.P. Blair, et al. 4) Shawn Butler’s lost part from Harry Bergenfield’s Drama video.

Genesis Evans made a nine-minute iPhone clip of skating around L.A.

Quick one of Lurker Lou and Phil Rodriguez at Brower Park.

Pretty sure we were in Spain when this happened (maybe its even older news than that), but official final R.I.P. to 12th & A. They repaved the entire court with shitty, soft blacktop. And there’s a “No Skateboarding” sign for the first time ever…at a school that once included skateboard classes in its phys ed curriculum. Cool.

QS Sports Desk: Never gave one of these to Lebron before, mainly just on some hater shit, but this is one of the most insane things I’ve ever witnessed in my basketball viewing life. Just *look* at the Wizards bench.

Quote of the Week: “Yo…actually, I like wearing wack gear.” — Ben Blundell

Happy Valentine’s Day to all the couples ♥…

aaannnddd happy Valentine’s Day to all the singles ;) ♥

On the Lines Like the Internet


Tiago at the Katz ledge. Photo by Matt Roberge.

Most steez clip of the day, couple days, week, month? — Juan Saavedra, Santiago Sasson and Karl Salah in Italy for “Futur Timeline 03.”

Didn’t want this minute-long clip of the Supreme crew in London to end. Also off to a great start on compiling our top 25 (100?) Ride Channel headlines of 2016.

Minute-long parts — the new…3-minute long part?! Pint Sized: Aaron Herrington.

The video for the Humidity x Butter Goods collaboration is the first time I’ve been excited to hear a nineties New York rap song in a skate video in who knows how long.

A remix of Cyrus Bennett’s HD video blog footage via Adam Lewis.

The Bunt’s season finale is with Brandon Biebel. Can’t wait for the third season :)

“And there’s also another strategy where we look at spaces that could potentially be skate spots but they lack some functionality, and then we add that. So we’ve added granite blocks and granite benches to squares that could use the life that skateboarding brings. By doing that we create these sort of meet-up hubs and social spots that really help unite neighbourhoods and give kids somewhere to go.” — An interview with Gustav Eden, a man employed by the city of Malmö to improve its public spaces for skateboarders, reminding everyone to concentrate all life efforts on securing at least part-time residence in a Scandinavian country.

Ian Reid runs down his top five moments from the notorious Ian Reid’s Video.

Andrew Reynolds has an interview in Rolling Stone.

Knowing Mixtape dropped at the exact moment the world needed it to heal its wounds.

“…it clicks in the spirit of Keenan Milton and Gino Iannucci, Jason Dill and Anthony Van Engelen, Brian Wenning and Anthony Pappalardo, Mike Carroll and Rick Howard.” — Boil the Ocean on Bobby and Hjalte’s “Looks Ok to Me” part. Is it too late to modify the S.O.T.Y. rules to enable joint winners?

Village Psychic behind the new Barcelona-based Be Magazine.

“Hajji’s was crowded on a recent Friday night. Femi Agunbiade, 24, had driven an hour from Maplewood, N.J., with his girlfriend to get a chopped cheese.” What

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Oooof. Ibaka game winner against the Thunder.

Quote of the Week: “They had Papoose perform right before Christmas when I was going to BMCC.” — Greg Huff

Mr. 3-2 was killed in Houston last week. 3-2 held a special place in my heart thanks to a handful of incredible features on UGK songs, and for creating much amazing, smooth, oozy rap music that Houstonians have always been better at making than anyone else. Rest in Peace.

A Sense of Seriousness…

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Emilio Cuilan’s DANY video is now available for purchase from Supreme and Labor also have copies for sale. The video features full parts from Shawn Powers, Genesis Evans, Jason Byoun, Adam Zhu and Yaje Popson, plus appearances from a whole lot of others. Minute teaser for the video can be found here.

Happy birthday Keith Denley.

There’s this video of Kenny Anderson and Vincent Alvarez skating Lenox Ledges (Antony Correa cameo!), and yes, Kenny footage is always a pleasure, but there’s only one bit of Lenox footage from the past week that anyone was talking about. Good lord.

Trife alumnus, Black Dave Willis, has a new part live on the Thrasher site entitled “NYBD.” Gap to front blunt on the out ledge across from World Trade is a wild one.

Can’t Ban the J.B. Man.

Tredje Akten is a rad 20-minute video by the homie Tao from the Malmö + Copenhagen scene. Features Ville, Hjalte, etc + a full Polar section at the end.

NY Skateboarding posted part one of apparently a three-part series of video interviews with Keith Hufnagel. This one talks about meeting Keenan Milton, the infamous Ryan Hickey house that housed all homeless skateboarders of the era, moving to San Francisco, skating Embarcadero, etc.

Gotta #respect a ten-minute Boston video that doesn’t hit Eggs once. Not easy. “Mean Streets Volume 2,” A.K.A. the LurkNYC boys go to Boston.

Two teasers for upcoming videos that should be a good time: Division from Politic Skateboards (#caddoalert), and Elan Vital from Studio Skateboards.

What Youth did a quick video interview with Challex Olson. He slipped on a sandwich.

Who’s going to lug this parking block to Tompkins T.F. West?

This is tasteless and insane, but you can visualize every scenario of this hypothetical Seinfeld script that imagines the characters’ lives in the week after 9/11.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Who cares about Melo’s Olympic postgame interview, Russell Westbrook’s “Now I Do What I Want” video is singlehandedly the most inspirational sports moment of 2016, and the only promotional material the NBA needs for the 2016-2017 season. #MVP.

Quote of the Week: “I’m so glad I didn’t go to double town China set.” — John Choi

Started the past week worth of mornings with this, and it worked out pretty well :)

I Think 56 Tricks Crazy


“I did 56 tricks on the European tour and they was all crazy.” Photo by Pad Dowd

It all began with a cursory revisitation of “Ragers Inc.” — the four-year-and-running title holder for greatest iPhone video of all-time. The good times from Ragers Inc. were contagious. Then it hit us: why not attempt to recreate it for 2015? And so, we enlisted the only Quartersnacks shareholder who attended the original tour (T. Goodall) as a consultant, and booked travel to the three primary filming locations: Copenhagen, Malmö and Berlin.

There’s a reason why they say you can’t beat the classics. Returning from our time abroad and realizing we paled in comparison to the original masterwork, we stripped the original idea of a remake. It’s just impossible. Luckily, we were able to attain sponsorship from the Ragers Inc. board of trustees for “56 Tricks,” our homage to the most infectious collection of ballads about European travel.

Features Aravin, Francesco, Hjalte, Emilio, Torey, Frey, Thando, Pad.

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