What’s with this sudden spike of interest in King of New York? Does the guy responsible for the Total Recall remake with Colin Farrell have a vendetta against all great movies from 1990, and is he considering a King of New York remake next, with Jake Gyllen Halal in Christopher Walken’s role, and Terry Kennedy in his big-screen debut instead of Laurence Fishburne? What does this have to do with anything? Linsanity is over (clearly), so we’re running on empty…
Jake Johnson followed through on his idea of a small town, “grassroots” skateboard tour. Though you’d only know about Map Masquerade if you check the Slap forum (hence us being three weeks late on it), him and several others have driven from San Francisco to Vegas to Albuquerque to Austin, and are currently in New Orleans, not doing demos or signings, but simply “skating with a group of [local] skaters in the way they skate.” They’ve been hiding product in every city on the list, and you can follow the tour on A Sense of Direction.org (it also has a list of Instagram accounts associated with it, which give clues as to where product is hidden.)
The first three web edits from the Map Masquerade tour: San Francisco (“When I think San Francisco skateboarding, I think KRS-One”), Las Vegas, Albuquerque.
Two-minute Stephan Martinez raw footage tape. Some of it was in Goin’ Ham, some of it is new. “That boy good.”
Slappy noseslides are totally chill. Noseslide shove-its should take their place on any “Tricks You Should Never Do” list.
Jake Johnson and Shaun Gregorie session the famed Gold Rail in Washington, D.C.
False alarm, guys. Lil’ Wayne is still very much concerned with skateboarding in 2012, as he can be seen hugging his skateboard, and claiming “Baby, I’m a thrasher” throughout his feature in the new Mystikal video. Whew!
This is what ledges look like before they get put in front of office buildings and we wax them up. (Spoiler: They look like rocks.)
Quote of the Week
Pad: “We should do a Costa Rica trip.”
Roctakon: “You’ve been watching too many Green Diamond videos.”
Speaking of which, there’s a new Green Diamond Costa Rica clip.
Science might say otherwise, but it is officially spring now.