No Top on the Wagon, Fisherman Gear

Tony Trujillo at the original KCDC, when it was on N 10th Street. 2004. Photo by Jonathan Mehring, who recently unearthed a bunch of great New York photos from the 2000s.

As the fall begins, Quartersnacks welcomes the prospective NYU, New School, SVA, etc. classes of 2016 to New York. Please read this guide before going outside, so you are not quickly exiled from civilized New York skateboard society.

It is crazy that Peter Smolik’s body of work continues to be so underrated, even beyond contributions to technical skateboarding. This past weekend, Joe Budden, a perennial favorite of those who insist they only listen to “real hip-hop yo,” made headlines by switching his default Twitter avatar to a photo of his face buried in a vagina. Smolik was WAAAAAY ahead of the curve on that one, and continues to not receive any credit for it.

Eight-minute iPhone clip of a bunch of younger kids ripping around the city this past summer. A lot of parks, but some street clips as well.

Vans is currently having a “Jason Dill Week” over on their site. Yesterday’s feature was an archive of Dill’s old magazine interviews, and today’s is a look back at his old Workshop ads with commentary on each one. (In case you missed it, there’s a long interview with him and Van Engelen over on the Syndicate site that chronicles both of their skate careers in great detail.)

Apparently, The Financial Times now covers the skateboard industry.

Our good friend, Alex Dymond, designed a sick Woessner shoe for the Vans OTW collection. You should scoop it up if you’re going for a grown and sexy vibe this fall.

There are some more parts from the Westchester-based PFP2: See You Lazer video now up on YouTube.

Some throwaway clips from A Stone’s Throw, an upcoming video out of Buffalo, NY.

There are some throw-your-board-down round handrails at the new BMCC building on Greenwich Street. There’s no security in front now, but that probably won’t last. Also, they might suck, because nobody here knows anything about rails.

Quote of the Week:

Yeah dude, skating here sucks. The hipsters, thug wannabees and Supreme employees hurt everyone’s feelings non-stop. Good to see people took our advice from the beginning of the year to heart. “Its all about the image hear.”

Starting today, your party budget is going to take a serious hit.

Kevin DuFlockaRant V.S. Lebron Flocka James

We’re on the cusp of possibly living in a world where Eddy Curry has an NBA championship ring. No justice. Anyway, DuFlockaRant is a way better mixtape than any of the Lebron Flocka James tapes, so you know who we’re going for…

“I found a bucket and I put it on my head because stuff was falling all over the place,” Gall continues, “and I’m screaming, ‘Where’s the women and children?’ But there are no women and children because it’s a monk monastery. I was just in hero mode — just trying to save lives, dude.” A story about Fred Gall saving a bunch of Cambodian monks from a fire. Jaws wouldn’t do that, he’d just ollie off the building. Vote Freddy.

Here’s a glimpse of a fairly underexposed skate scene: Capetown, South Africa (there might be some U.K. footage in there though.) A lack of a Tompkins Square Park withstanding, their spots don’t look much different from the ones in the northeastern United States.

While we’re on the topic of Africa, these dudes are way gnarlier than any skater on the planet (except maybe Fred Gall.)

G-Shock did a commercial segment with QS-homie Rafael “Haffa” Pereira. The “How do you dress?” question was first answered with “Man, I don’t fucking know,” before resorting to a more diplomatic (and hilarious) answer of “The way I dress is urban.”

Jonathan Mehring with some recent photos of Kevin Tierney, Luis Tolentino, Jake Johnson, and others over on the Skateboarder site.

A “Day in the Life” video of sorts with Zered Bassett and Kevin Tierney skating around downtown Manhattan and Brooklyn. Doc Holiday’s being “the best place in the world” is highly debatable.

Be careful if you take that trip down to Philly this summer.

That thin concrete ledge a few blocks south of the Tribeca Skatepark got sandblasted. Free meal at the neighboring Shake Shack for the first person to re-wax it.

Quote of the Week
Pad: “Yeah, I don’t do really do brunch anymore, but went to this spot in the West Village today. It wasn’t that good and way too expensive.”
Roctakon: “Sounds like the West Village. Also sounds like brunch.”

After you’re done revisiting DuFlockaRant (MILLIONAIRE EATING RAMEN NOODLES), check out this Mecca & the Soul Brother tribute mix, done in honor of the album turning 20 this past weekend.