Photo by Colin Sussingham
Good video parts will have inspired trick selections, unique eyes towards tired spots, or any number of buzzwords you’ve caught prefacing a embedded video on a skate website. Then there are guys who, simply put, remind you how fun riding a skateboard is — the guys with a free-flowing rhythm that fools you into believing they didn’t break a single sweat bead of frustration throughout the process. Though John’s Bruns 2 section probably made me yell at my computer screen 5+ times, it still felt like he smiled his way through filming for the entire thing.
With us clocking in at an average of one dedicated QS part a year, we’re honored to present John Gardner with the latest in our annual tradition.
Filmed by Dan Balducci, Austin Leleu, Andrew Petillo, Tony Choy, Kevin Winters, Chris Gregson, Josh Spooner, Ethan Rhoads. Edited by John Gardner.