The World Trade Center — with its centerpiece, the Twin Towers — opened just a few months before the Knicks won their second championship in 1973, and symbolized a new, modernized era of New York City. As literal twins, the Towers are excellent symbols for the push and pull of capital versus culture which, by the 70s, was really coming to a head in American society. They were the biggest buildings in the world and just one wasn’t even enough.
However, documentarians of #theculture have largely overlooked the ancillary dining establishments that fueled — on a molecular level — the innovation and unforgettable sessions at spots like the Brooklyn Banks, Pulaski, Embarcadero and Love Park.
Until the rise of “foodie” culture, Yelp and the general trend of eating healthy and shit, most skaters’ palates trended towards the most convenient fast-casual options.
With that in mind, and in conjunction with New York Restaurant Week (which is apparently almost a month long ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), we present Quartersnacks Restaurant Week — an oral history of legendary spot-adjacent fast food restaurants. Over the course of conducting the interviews, some common themes emerged, i.e. most skaters favored carb-heavy menu options as an easily accessible energy source. In addition, at most spots the skaters and food service workers formed alliances — an interesting anthropological wrinkle in terms of how different cultures interact.
“And there’s also another strategy where we look at spaces that could potentially be skate spots but they lack some functionality, and then we add that. So we’ve added granite blocks and granite benches to squares that could use the life that skateboarding brings. By doing that we create these sort of meet-up hubs and social spots that really help unite neighbourhoods and give kids somewhere to go.” — An interview with Gustav Eden, a man employed by the city of Malmö to improve its public spaces for skateboarders, reminding everyone to concentrate all life efforts on securing at least part-time residence in a Scandinavian country.
Knowing Mixtape dropped at the exact moment the world needed it to heal its wounds.
“…it clicks in the spirit of Keenan Milton and Gino Iannucci, Jason Dill and Anthony Van Engelen, Brian Wenning and Anthony Pappalardo, Mike Carroll and Rick Howard.” — Boil the Ocean on Bobby and Hjalte’s “Looks Ok to Me” part. Is it too late to modify the S.O.T.Y. rules to enable joint winners?
“Hajji’s was crowded on a recent Friday night. Femi Agunbiade, 24, had driven an hour from Maplewood, N.J., with his girlfriend to get a chopped cheese.” What…
Mr. 3-2 was killed in Houston last week. 3-2 held a special place in my heart thanks to a handful of incredible features on UGK songs, and for creating much amazing, smooth, oozy rap music that Houstonians have always been better at making than anyone else. Rest in Peace.
“Dylan Rieder’s contribution to all this isn’t quantifiable, which is partly the point. He rose up with the technical chops and California-dream profile that opened a potential path to a Ryan Sheckler lifestyle enabled by the deepest-pocketed surf and sport gear sponsors. Instead he sought counsel from addled iconoclasts AVE and Dill, pared back his trick repertoire and designed skateable loafers; his Street League runs read like some lyrical argument for quality over quantity, and he got to see the movement he helped shape flow across borders in ‘cherry,’ setting one of the more vibrant arcs for skating so far this decade.” — Boil the Ocean. Rest in Peace Dylan Rieder ♥
Already getting preemptive anxiety about when The Bunt’s season ends, and a new episode is no longer a regular part of the QS office’s work week for a while. The new one with Rick McCrank is great, as always.
Anthony Correa gets Bob Shirt’d. Hoboken Ledges are my favorite Jersey spot too :(
Skateboard Story interviewed Marty Engren of Flippin’ Goods about running a European skate distro based on #small #brandz (Theories, Bronze, QS, others.)
Jenkem’s Tim O’Connor Show sat down with Ian Reid and Mike Carroll to talk about Ian’s interesting forays into bondage photography, traveling to Chernobyl, etc.
The best ledges in Manhattan are now partially blocked off by scaffolding. You could still skate a lot of the spot, but half of it is super uncomfortable because you’re always at least four feet away from some bolt sticking out.
On this 10/17, please allow me to point you in the direction of “paint like Play-Doh the alfredo Lambo, the shrimp scampi Chevy and the guts look like egg yolk.”
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: All QS readers who hate sports are probably going to have to put up with a couple Russell Westbrook highlights getting thrown into #QSTOP10s this next half year. 2017 MVP let’s get it.
Quote of the Week: “I’m not sure I could live with somebody who could nollie backside 180 a bump to bar.” — Conor Prunty
Got a kick out of SMLTalk’s Boston spot directory. Dana Ericson already did any trick you wanted to try at Eggs switch in Filas, Aquarium ledges are actually way harder to skate than they look on film, etc. And FWIW, this place in Berlin is “the absolute worst skatepark in recorded human history,” not Watertown.
An interview with your favorite skateboarder, my favorite skateboarder, and your former favorite skateboarder’s favorite skateboarder.
A #listicle of the best tricks done down Clipper, which experienced quite a resurgence this year. Switch front blunt and alley oop 180 switch back 5050 got snubbed fam. That, and Muska switch noseslide should have been number one.
Yo you know what’s really annoying about DVS tour videos? You see them and think, “Oh sick, I get to see Daewon skate outside of his typical SoCal comfort zone” — but then dude only has like 2-3 clips in the entire video. ANYWAY, The DVS team is pretty fun: Torey Pudwill took the Reres Award from whoever may have previously held it for the Milan grate this year, that fakie 5050-halfcab-5050-180 combo is wild, and Luis’ grind down the Le Dome hubba from the flat part (it’s over waist high) is insane.
This was the best video of 2014. Truly inspiring stuff. He really is the best:
They’re building a new skatepark in Harlem (First Avenue and 114th.) Should be done in the spring, but you know how that goes. It’s still Lenox Ledges 4ever ♥♥♥
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: You don’t get Rondo for his shooting / lack thereof. Great to have him on a relevant team again. Hey NBA, please take the Knicks or Lakers off the Christmas schedule and exchange it with a Mavs game. Thx.
Quote of the Week Madison Square Garden Security Guard: “You okay in there?” Guy Who Vomited on Himself in the Bathroom Stall: “I’m just taking it easy.”