Spring QS merch is trickling into shops in the U.S. Available now at Supreme New York & Los Angeles, Labor, NJ, Alumni [Nyack], 510, Andrew [Miami], Atlas, Civil, DSM, Emage, Home, Humidity, Orchard, Pitcrew, Seasons and Uprise. Available in Japan now. Available in Europe, Korea and Canada next week. Available online next Monday, May 8th, at midnight E.S.T. Thx 4 the ♥
Congrats to Cyrus on his first magazine cover. Gonna party extra hard for the first cover he gets with his name actually spelled right ;)
Walker Ryan has low-key (mid-key?) spent the past few years doing some of the best tricks on the staple New York spots. Old Friends put together this five-minute A.B.D. edit of all his city footage. Respect to filming the World Trade out ledge from the Burger King window, and to the fact that the security guard standing at the bottom of the bank is basically a part of the Roosevelt Island spot, no matter the clip.
Quim Cardona and friends in the montage from Politic’s First Division video.
This video is dreadful, but Chris Pfanner does a beast line from the rail to the double bump-to-bars in the projects on Madison Street.
Drew Connors dropped a promo for Bailar II, featuring Shredmaster Keith advocating for the resurgence of the Polish Park ledges on McGuiness — A.K.A. Derick Ziemkiewicz Park. You can watch the first Bailar video here.
Genny uploaded his first iPhone video of the spring to a David Banner classic.
The last part of Making It Happen is online, via Patrick Vidal and some monstrous pop.
Jonathan Rentschler has a sick-looking new 176-page book coming out that documents the final three years of Love Park.
Haven’t had a chance to listen yet, but the latest Bunt episode is with Ryan Gallant.
Russian Bob and Reda put together this retrospective on New York skateboarding’s first videographer, R.B. Umali. Happy 40th R.B. (Rewatch his “Shoot All Skaters” episodes from a few years ago because they’re bomb.)
Boil the Ocean re: Chromeball Interview #100 with Danny Way.
Enjoyed this edit from London’s proverbial T.F., Gillett Square (“Crackba” is a sick nickname), which was outside of Torey’s first apartment in London :) Memories, man!
So do we buy tickets to Prague orrrrrr……?
Lol @ them skate-proofing this hellhole of a spot. Shout out Hjalte. Also, the Marcy Rails are done for. Thanks to Mike Heikkila for the intel.
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: I hate Paul Pierce, but respect the fuck out of Paul Pierce, and now that he’s out of the league as of yesterday, I don’t hate Paul Pierce. Godspeed to one of the great NBA villains.
Quote of the Week: “Would you rather go to jail for one year by yourself, or go to jail for ten years with gang?” — J Boy
Endless Shrimp is back!