On the Lines Like the Internet


Tiago at the Katz ledge. Photo by Matt Roberge.

Most steez clip of the day, couple days, week, month? — Juan Saavedra, Santiago Sasson and Karl Salah in Italy for “Futur Timeline 03.”

Didn’t want this minute-long clip of the Supreme crew in London to end. Also off to a great start on compiling our top 25 (100?) Ride Channel headlines of 2016.

Minute-long parts — the new…3-minute long part?! Pint Sized: Aaron Herrington.

The video for the Humidity x Butter Goods collaboration is the first time I’ve been excited to hear a nineties New York rap song in a skate video in who knows how long.

A remix of Cyrus Bennett’s HD video blog footage via Adam Lewis.

The Bunt’s season finale is with Brandon Biebel. Can’t wait for the third season :)

“And there’s also another strategy where we look at spaces that could potentially be skate spots but they lack some functionality, and then we add that. So we’ve added granite blocks and granite benches to squares that could use the life that skateboarding brings. By doing that we create these sort of meet-up hubs and social spots that really help unite neighbourhoods and give kids somewhere to go.” — An interview with Gustav Eden, a man employed by the city of Malmö to improve its public spaces for skateboarders, reminding everyone to concentrate all life efforts on securing at least part-time residence in a Scandinavian country.

Ian Reid runs down his top five moments from the notorious Ian Reid’s Video.

Andrew Reynolds has an interview in Rolling Stone.

Knowing Mixtape dropped at the exact moment the world needed it to heal its wounds.

“…it clicks in the spirit of Keenan Milton and Gino Iannucci, Jason Dill and Anthony Van Engelen, Brian Wenning and Anthony Pappalardo, Mike Carroll and Rick Howard.” — Boil the Ocean on Bobby and Hjalte’s “Looks Ok to Me” part. Is it too late to modify the S.O.T.Y. rules to enable joint winners?

Village Psychic behind the new Barcelona-based Be Magazine.

“Hajji’s was crowded on a recent Friday night. Femi Agunbiade, 24, had driven an hour from Maplewood, N.J., with his girlfriend to get a chopped cheese.” What

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Oooof. Ibaka game winner against the Thunder.

Quote of the Week: “They had Papoose perform right before Christmas when I was going to BMCC.” — Greg Huff

Mr. 3-2 was killed in Houston last week. 3-2 held a special place in my heart thanks to a handful of incredible features on UGK songs, and for creating much amazing, smooth, oozy rap music that Houstonians have always been better at making than anyone else. Rest in Peace.