First Post of 2016


Happy New Year to everyone. Late start to 2016. Still coming to terms with this “oh right, this is what winter is supposed to feel like”-feeling. Keep it positive this year and have a good one. Stay warm :)

First Posts Time Capsule: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.

Let’s start off 2016 by still talking a bit about 2015… Some year-end lists that point you in the direction of parts and videos that you might not have caught. 1) Better Skate Than Never listed the top thirty videos / promos of 2015, with a primary focus on independent ventures e.g. Bleach is #1. 2) Café Creme blog with a gourmet selection of 2015’s ten best. 3) Boil the Ocean already had a detailed post-by-post top ten countdown, and offered some bonus suggestions.

Always fun to see what’s going on uptown. A new one from the Mira Conyo squad.

IG comp featuring the quick-footed 2015 Q.S.I.G.S.O.T.Y. contender, Dane Brady.

2016 resolution? Stfu and stop complaining about spots. Probably gonna last a week.

A crash course in skateboarders v.s. natural disasters.

Ever wonder what happened to early-aughts child star, Knox Godoy? Jenkem tracked him down. Seems like those Baker guys like drinking a beer or two, huh?

The dude who kickflip back tail gapped the ledge to three-stair gap at Pulaski Park just back tail kickflipped the ledge to three-stair gap at Pulaski Park.

Another year, another video blog from Johnny Wilson, and another iPhone clip from Genesis, both featuring the Most Productive Crew™ in New York skateboarding.

Four minutes of Sabotage 4 extras, and twenty-four minutes of Duzzed extras. That urban mega ramp section at the beginning is insane. Where is “2015’s reigning lord of hairball” when you really need him?

Kids worship is basically the skateboard/downtown-equivalent of rappers’ Scarface worship at this point, but still got a kick out of these unseen behind-the-scenes polaroids from it + interview via the film’s costume designer. Aanndd Washington Square is a full central spot again. Shit goes in circles bro.

Village Psychic theorizes that scenes with harsh winters produce the best videos.

Of course Pho Bang is first on this list. Of course #skaterfaves

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Jimmy Butler beat some guy named Michael Jordan’s franchise record for most points scored in a half yesterday.

Quote of the Week
Sweet Waste: “Where did my youth go man…”
Observant Gentleman: “Enid’s.”
Sweet Waste: “Shit, you’re right.”

We’ll miss you, Dr. Zizmor.

Winter in America


Rest in Peace, #14

Aaron Herrington’s Eastern Exposure part is cool.

The Cafe Creme blog interviewed Cyrus.

America, please copy everything Denmark does re: skateboarding. (Relevant.)

“Our culture has produced an amazing array of photographers and filmmakers and even sculptors, so it’s not a lack of work ethic or creative energy that’s stopping us from producing poets. But I don’t see it as dumbed down as much as hesitant and cautious. Look around: it’s not just that we’re unsure what skateboarding means, but we’re unsure whether it’s even a good idea to consider its meaning. Skateboarding is supposed to be fun, after all, it’s the most fun thing. Taking it too seriously can dampen or even kill this fun, so, you know, fuck it. Let’s look at the pictures.” The Deaf Lens interviewed Kyle Beachy, a guy who is really good at writing about skateboarding.

All This Mayhem, the cocaine-addled Pappas brothers documentary, is now streaming on Netflix. Quartersnacks review from the fall can be found here. “Fuck off Hawk, you fucking wanker. You can’t even flip your board you old prick.”

Solid Iron Claw Skates Dallas and Austin trip montage is now up.

Always love these guys’ videos: Another one from Budapest’s Rios crew.

Jake is on a new company and JNCOs are coming back.

Mike Sass’ Duzzed video is now online in full.

Ripped Laces looks back at the early 2000s tech of Savier shoes.

“I still think the beauty of skating, in its truest form, is this solitary activity. It has to do with self-reliance and dealing with loneliness in a productive way.”

SMLTalk’s Boston winter spot directory is pretty universal for the northeast.

53 seconds of unseen Gino Iannucci footage.

“We’re out there breaking our ass trying to find this kid, and you’re up there fucking around in Nyack.” A teaser for Bleach, Paul Young’s new video featuring Dick Rizzo, Erik Martinez, Josh Wilson, Mark Humienik and others.

Found this rather interesting: the world famous Sants spot in Barcelona is unmodifiable, on account of it receiving an architecture award in 1983. The city is, however, starting to build designated places to skate in each district of the city, which could stir things up a bit in what’s basically the skate spot capital of Europe.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Three-minute Anthony Mason YouTube mix. As far as last week, these 27 seconds just about sum up the 2014-15 Knicks season.

Quote of the Week: “I’m rich in unpaid invoices.” — Pad

A month late on this, but Uncle Murda’s “2014 Rap Up” is incredible. It’s like the ones Skillz used to do, but actually funny. Must embed situation.