Dude It’s Almost Summer


Dude it’s gonna hit 80 this week. Correa via Koolmoeleo obvs.

The new Boulevard video is solid. Chill part from Enrique Lorenzo on steroids A.K.A. Tiago Lemos that has a ton of New York footage, and a full part from noted flamenco guitarist and flip-trick god, Daniel Lebron. Yo the hardflip that starts the S.F. Armory line is maybe the best hardflip ever.

Skateboard Story has an interview with our bud Rick from NY Skateboarding.

How to Fix the Marc Johnson / Lakai Mess in Ten Easy Steps.

John Shanahan has a “Video Check Out” feature over on the Transworld site. Between this and the new Matt Velez clip, fitting a police barrier between the three-stair and the manual pad at the Hunt’s Point spot is a hot look for summer 16.

Whole Bitch is the new, full-length video from the B.S.A. / Couch squad.

Jenkem has a “Locals” feature with Kevin from N.Y. Ramp Co, the guy who pretty much singlehandedly revitalized the actual skating that takes place at T.F.

This. Is. Sportscenter. Daewon Song career top 10 plays.

Thrasher interviewed Lucas Puig, and then Free interviewed Lucas Puig.

“Skaters now lookin’ a little emo, but it’s all good.” Village Psychic interviewed German Nieves about skateboarding and tennis correlations, #da90s, and his brand, Paterson.

Brad Cromer made a quick trip to New York iPhone edit.

It’s insane how even after all these years, an all Barcelona edit will still have a handful of spots that you’ve literally never seen in any other Barcelona clips. This Zoo trip clip with Gav, BD, Ron, etc. is a good time. Sants is on version like 5.5.

Good bit of Philly Santosuosso footage in this Bruin Hyperfeel video from Minneapolis.

Completely arbitrary fourteen-minute mash-up of nineties New York skateboarding that has 63 YouTube views. You’ve seen most of it :)

Trick Tip: How to Make Trendy Instagram Videos.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Even though Russell Westbrook is the greatest basketball player in the history of sports, still see it going to the Warriors in a close 7. Anyway, here’s an angry one-handed rebound.

Quote of the Week: “Kent Jones is like the new Shaggy.” — Stuart Hammond


Ever Since I Left the City You Started Skating Less and Going Out More

palace five

Fall QS gear available at Supreme (New York + Los Angeles), Labor, 35th North, 510, Alumni, Atlas, Black Sheep, Civil, Commissary, Exit, Homebase, Homegrown, Humidity, In4mation, NJ (Hoboken + New Brunswick), Orchard, Palace 5ive, Pitcrew, Seasons, Select Skates and Uprise. Hitting Japan this week, Europe next well. QS webstore launches [next] Monday, November 2nd at midnight.

Ok, maybe this whole skating on cars shit is getting out of hand…

“Dare I say that the Dime Crew is possibly even better than Rick Howard?” Chris Nieratko spent Canadian Thanksgiving with the Dime squad. (Full Disclosure: They don’t celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving in French Canada.) Skateboard Story also interviewed Phil Lavoie about the inner-workings of Canada’s greatest fashion house.

Krooked in NYC video was a fun watch. You probably caught it already, but Brad Cromer v.s. trash cans is one of my favorite sub-generes of skateboarding.

Here’s a *new* interview with Ricky Oyola + and two video interviews from underrated faves: Chico Brenes for Route One and Brad Johnson for Bobshirt.

Purple keep coming in… 1) Volume 13 of LurkNYC’s “New York Times” outtakes series. 2) Materiél promo #008. 3) Cell Jawn #16.

Greg Hunt made an #uplifting mini doc about building a skatepark on one of the largest Native American reservations in the U.S, where youth suicides are rampant. Jenkem has some behind-the-scenes photos from the opening.

Even though it’s for more nostalgia-based reasons rather than actually wanting to skate there-based ones, there’s something chill about the fact that organized skate jams still go down at Riverside Park.

Weiger had my favorite part in either SB Chronicles video. The raw files are great.

Did you know there was an Alien Workshop video about to drop? Boil the Ocean did.

An interview with the guy who dreamt up the glow in the dark skatepark.

It’s insane that a trick that gets filmed and posted online on Saturday will wind up in an Instagram compilation video by Sunday. The internet, man.

Ok, no more #content about varial flips after this ;)

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Sooooo, Pelicans-Warriors tomorrow night? :)

Quote of the Week: “All my ideas suck.” — Nick Nunez

Interesting Landing


Photo via Jules

Some angel uploaded the Stick Up Kids NY premiere clip from 2006. For those who may not know, Stickupkidsny.com was the home of Flipmode, which would later become Bronze in the early 2010s. The clip is way ahead of its time :)

Mick Robbins has a new mini video entitled “Girls Are Hot” (girls are hot) that is mostly filmed in New York. Features a new silent Jason Byoun part. He’s maybe the the first one to ever film a line with a backpack on his chest.

Pretty sure there will be a ton of kids trying no comply hurricane grinds on the fat flat rail at L.E.S. this fall. Also, we need to get more crates at Tompkins.

The six-level arc of getting hooked up at your local shop.

Nostalgia: Luy Pa Sin B-sides from the Lordz TDGAFAU era, and round 2 of Jim Hodgson’s In Absenita C-roll. The Stevie frontside heel is really cool :)

Everyone gets all bleary eyed when they talk about Modus or In Bloom, but some of those old TWS videos kinda just fell in the pile in the internet era. Village Psychic looked back at reasons worth revisiting some of them. Gotta give some special bonus nods to Pete Eldridge’s Hallelujah part, Smolik’s Let’s Do This part, and Bobby Worrest’s Right Foot Forward part.

Yesterday, I broke edge and went to the Zumiez in Union Square.”

Avoiding the same questions for every interview with a skater is tough. Skateboard Story has a rad one with Mackenzie Eisenhour, one of the best interviewers in all of skate media. “The only way to adapt if you want to work in it for me is just to keep skating. That’s the only constant. The act itself doesn’t really change. If I stopped skating myself, I would really have a hard time pretending to care about any of it. I honestly have no idea how people who have quit skating still work in the industry.”

Cell Jawn #12 and Skate Sundays #50.

Jenkem runs down the best fakie ollies of all time, an inherently awkward looking trick if there ever was one.

A few New York clips in these Brad Cromer B-sides from Outliers.

So that’s where the “Grindin'” beat came from…

Quote of the Week: “Have you ever eaten at Quizno’s before? It sucks.” — Cyrus

Transition sucks ;)

Five Favorite Parts With Brad Cromer


Photos by Brian Kelley

We’re keeping it under thirty for now. There’s been a lot of talk about Sheffey, Hensley and Gonz in this series, yet by recently shifting the lens on guys who didn’t come of age during the nineties, we’re only now beginning to get to P.J., Dill, Reynolds, etc.

Brad Cromer turned in one of 2014’s best parts, and has been spearheading the current wallride-nollie-on-steroids renaissance. He has also produced full-length videos on his own, so it was nice having a pro who has also been on the production side of things weigh in on his favorites.

More »

Live Life Like Morgan Freeman

snowy tompkins

Photo via The Homie

Jim Hodgson, the guy behind In Absentia, released another short video of unseen Hi-8 footage with appearances from Puleo, German, etc. and practically a mini Andy Bautista part. R.I.P. Hoboken Ledges.

The new LurkNYC video, Strangers, is online in full. Ben Kadow’s ender is really cool. Also ICYMI, NY Skateboarding has an interview with Nick about his video series.

“You can’t kill me, I’m a zombie.” This new eight-minute video interview with Quim Cardona goes through his whole career as a pro skateboarder.

Ten honorable mentions for “Part of the Year” from Boil the Ocean. Rich gang.

Fuck the Taliban. #girlpower

Yo, shout out to all my artists out there: Ride has a feature on the origin of the Powell skull and sword logo, Slam City Skates interviews Glen E. Friedman, VHS Mag interviews Evan Hecox, the guy who designed your favorite series of Chocolate boards, and who has a really expensive book for sale on Amazon :(

Spencer Hamilton did a no comply trick that everyone will be doing this spring, and skated to “Wipe Me Down,” one of recent history’s finest Song of the Summer Winners.

Ever wonder about the dietary regiment behind New York’s Most Productive Crew™?

Dude, like, vert on street though, dude.

Skate and Annoy has some tips in the event that you find yourself in the jungles of Costa Rica, but not on account of your plug or anything.

Another clip from the Long Island City Coda T.F. to some Creedence for all the working men out there. Here is ten seconds of Jake footage from there too, why not.

Much in the vein of how that Mike Carroll “S.O.T.Y.” web edit from a few weeks ago is chronically overlooked, Kalis’ mini-part in the DC Video bonus montage always flew under the radar (2:10 mark.) No idea why so much of this got left out of the actual video:

Stuff you’ve seen already: Zered is the best, Aaron Herrington’s “Off the Grid at Union Square, Andrew Wilson’s Paych part, a highlight reel from this year’s All City Showdown in New York, Brad Cromer’s Outliers part.

The bro Jersey Dave is having a photo show at the Hoboken NJ Skateshop location this Saturday, January 17. 7-9 P.M. Flyer here. Maybe Justin White will be there? First twenty people to purchase the book will receive a complimentary tote bag.

Define “successfully.”

Got this update about the Fat Kid spot the other day. Thanks to Macauley for the tip.

There’s a German guy with a blonde streak in his hair on the Atlanta Hawks — known in some circles as “Baby Rondo” — who used to skate, but like, actually used to skate.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Volleyball edition.

Quote of the Week: “My son Johnny Depp stay getting wild typecast.” — Boss Bauer

We’ll be out of town for the week, but updates will continue as usual. Check last year’s coverage here.