Better Days


“Dylan Rieder’s contribution to all this isn’t quantifiable, which is partly the point. He rose up with the technical chops and California-dream profile that opened a potential path to a Ryan Sheckler lifestyle enabled by the deepest-pocketed surf and sport gear sponsors. Instead he sought counsel from addled iconoclasts AVE and Dill, pared back his trick repertoire and designed skateable loafers; his Street League runs read like some lyrical argument for quality over quantity, and he got to see the movement he helped shape flow across borders in ‘cherry,’ setting one of the more vibrant arcs for skating so far this decade.” — Boil the Ocean. Rest in Peace Dylan Rieder ♥

A link to the best video part of the 2010s.

There’s a new old bad obstacle at 12th & A. Also the barrier might be gone from TF?

An eight-minute compilation of Strobeck outtakes via his Instagram clips.

Already getting preemptive anxiety about when The Bunt’s season ends, and a new episode is no longer a regular part of the QS office’s work week for a while. The new one with Rick McCrank is great, as always.

Anthony Correa gets Bob Shirt’d. Hoboken Ledges are my favorite Jersey spot too :(

Always had a soft spot for cheesy nineties KTU dance songs. A bunch of Jersey dudes did a summer trip to Montreal. The nollie inward heel is #lol.

Village Psychic dwells on the difficulty of an effective [regs] inward heelflip.

Skateboard Story interviewed Marty Engren of Flippin’ Goods about running a European skate distro based on #small #brandz (Theories, Bronze, QS, others.)

The Watermelon man is throwing an event at the 2nd Nature Park this Wednesday.

Rick + Chico + Gonz + others mess around at Tompkins and elsewhere.

Gavin Nolan has a new welcome part for Mighty Healthy w/ cameos from Connor et al.

Jenkem’s Tim O’Connor Show sat down with Ian Reid and Mike Carroll to talk about Ian’s interesting forays into bondage photography, traveling to Chernobyl, etc.

The best ledges in Manhattan are now partially blocked off by scaffolding. You could still skate a lot of the spot, but half of it is super uncomfortable because you’re always at least four feet away from some bolt sticking out.

On this 10/17, please allow me to point you in the direction of “paint like Play-Doh the alfredo Lambo, the shrimp scampi Chevy and the guts look like egg yolk.”

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: All QS readers who hate sports are probably going to have to put up with a couple Russell Westbrook highlights getting thrown into #QSTOP10s this next half year. 2017 MVP let’s get it.

Quote of the Week: “I’m not sure I could live with somebody who could nollie backside 180 a bump to bar.” — Conor Prunty

Shout out to the boy Jonky Jack.

~Positivity is Sexy~


Free beer to whoever disses it with a Tas Pappas tag. Photo via The Shady One

“One thing I realized once I started being in the world of Instagram was that people don’t let go of things. If something has emotionally affected somebody in some powerful way sometime in their life, that doesn’t fade. If anything, social media kind of fans the flame of that and almost reestablishes that emotional connection.” With so much discussion of social media and its pros/cons in any skate interview these days, it’s nice to hear that it actually does have a way of bringing about some greater good from one of the happiest people to ever ride a skateboard, Ray Barbee.

“With a skater like Jamal Williams, Ricky Oyola or even Pat Steiner, people aren’t pulling out the yardstick to measure how high they’re ollieing. It’s more the feelings people get by watching that person on a skateboard.” Also with a good bit of social media talk + skaters having an impact on people’s lives, Get Born Mag has a detailed interview with Josh Stewart. ~feelings~

Hotel Blue is the new board company from the LurkNYC camp, and Nick just dropped a nine-minute promo featuring the entire team over the weekend. Back smith backside flip on the Leonard Street ledge was wild.

Bobshirt has a 25-minute interview with Bill Strobeck detailing pretty much every last anecdote about the prime era of Alien Workshop + Habitat. Includes a special guest appearance from a former orange-beanied colleague halfway in ;)

Huf gave Jenkem a tour of some of the places he grew up skating in Manhattan.

Boil the Ocean on Anti-Hero’s persistence in an increasingly tense landscape of board brand longevity, and a potential Daan Van Der Linden S.O.T.Y. run.

Some warm-ups from Yaje Popson and friends at the L.E.S. Park.

Village Psychic has a content monopoly on anything having to do with the little guys keeping the romance in printed skate media alive. An interview with the minds behind Germany’s Solo mag.

Mushrooms to switch flip into a bowl + other debauchery from CPH Open.

Part two of The Bunt’s interview with Spencer Hamilton is now live.

Well, this is the first instance of someone skating in Polo shoes I can remember, which re-opens the hypothetical discussion of what the Ralph skate team would look like…

Quote of the Week: “Positivity is sexy. Creativity is even sexier.” — Andrew Wilson

Thank you for everything Gene Wilder.

You Should Bounce


Salute to any brave souls skating today. Supposed to hit almost 100.

Josh Stewart uploaded Quim Cardona’s Static IV part to YouTube this weekend.

“By the time the 1980s rolled around, neurotic Americans had a myriad of threats from which to choose, including annihilation via thermonuclear war with the Soviet Union, drugs, and lil’ old Satan—vis-à-vis metal. Interestingly, all three of these all-consuming fears produced timeless art, i.e. Red Dawn, Rocky IV, Straight Outta Compton, and the 101 Natas “Devil Worship” board. Frozen in Carbonite examines the relationship between satanic iconography and skateboarding.

“[Ricky Oyola] had no pop. He had some tricks but he was a jock, man. He was good but he wasn’t Fred Gall.” Chromeball interviewed Brooklyn native, Ryan Hickey.

Big week for opinions re: Oyola. Bobshirt interviewed Danny Garcia. And nobody sit here and talk like Chad Fernandez hasn’t altered the course of skateboard history.

The Shady One™ has a website up for his new brand:

The new Sour promo gets our best Euro vid of 2016 [thus far] nod. Friday’s QS Top Ten had bits of it, but that full Gustav Tonneson part is awesome.

A video interview with Philly Santosuosso that breaks down the realities of running a skateshop. [Sidebar: Ok, we got a “Married to the Game” instrumental, but could we please get one of the Esco Terrestrial intro without all the talking over it?]

Midtown, 2010-2014 via Hit You Off Management to Bernard Herrman’s last film score.

Taji / Vice skated a bunch of Trump buildings with Leo, Billy, etc. — but somehow missed the one on 47th and 1st Avenue that Matt Daniels 5050ed the sign at in his Outdated part (fwiw, it probably has the best skate spot out of any Trump building, but those benches on 60th and Broadway were fire when we were like, 13.)

Chill summer iPhone video via Jesse Alba with some Paul Tucci sightings :)

The Seasons boys are premiering a new video on the 23rd.

Wallies on moving Citibikes and people starting to skate the Dumbo bump to hill / 2006 Spot of the Summer again Evan Dittig’s HYD part.

YO, what the hell is the deal with that Fat Kid Skatepark? It seems like it has looked like this for the past half year plus. This would be an ideal time of year for elsewhere to take some of the crowd that makes its way to L.E.S. by noon, or like, nice to have another skatepark with some shade. Who’s got the insider info? They may as well have let the manny pad, rail and benches run for the summer…

Quote of the Week: “People ask what the 25¢ on my shirt means and I tell them that’s what my checking account says.” — Dylgr

The shrimp is coming…

Oh, Perfect.


DANY video JFK Terminal 1 premiere. Coming soon.

Noseslides on handrails have remained dormant since the peak Muska years, Koston/Frankhouse nosesliding the curved 20 at City Hall era, etc. It’s been a long 10+ years, but we may have to consider a plain and simple noseslide down a handrail as a current frontrunner for N.S.O.T.Y. Shout to Mostly Skateboarding for the tip.

EggsTech™ without the Eggs. The boy Dana Ericson hit up Barcelona for a lot of heavy noseslide and shove nosegrind maneuverings. [*Mandatory mention that he skates a lot of non-stock Barcelona spots :) *]

/ end noseslide related content

Some heavy start of summer vibes in Genesis’ new iPhone clip, and MDW edit from Buck Prichard featuring Caddo, Brendan Carroll + others.

Beef Patty alumni v.s. Connecticut concrete parks via Max Hull.

“Let’s not forget that skateboarding has been multi-platform media since the Bones Brigade videos.” Skateboard Story ran a brutally blunt and honest interview with Eben Sterling, a guy who’s worked at Thrasher for over two decades, about the mag’s continued success as we decry the imminent collapse of print media, and how you’re definitely a dick if you’re on the QS comments section in 2016 thinking Rihanna being the god is some Urban Outfitters “irony” shit.

On same-but-different note, Village Psychic has a feature about Scotland’s North magazine, which only shoots and runs photos on film.

Bobshirt has a video interview with backside nosegrind popout pioneer, Jerry Fowler.

“The way they let the hill bombs run out with no music has an intensity impossible to concoct with slow-motion drone filmography, and its montage structuring is refreshingly dense, difficult to digest in even a few watches…” Boil the Ocean gets its #filmtheory on to juxtapose the GX1000 video with um, skateboarding in the Olympics.

There’s tons of heavy shit in the new Kyron Davis part, including a full-on front board up that thing in the Columbus Park playground that only BMXers hit up.

A topic that has more-or-less steered skate conversations for 20 years: pants.

Although this has to do with one of the worst qualities of American culture, here’s an interesting interview with a lawyer who skates handrails, and took his proficiency at talking to cops to specialize in skateboard related legal-cases.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: This is going five, right? …four?

Quote of the Week: “Anthony Bourdain ruined dating because now you have to take a girl to like, Thailand.” — T-Bird

Out of the country for a bit, so be aware of a potential delay in reply time if you’re trying to get in touch re: anything xoxo :)

QS Neighborhood Association

moscow red

The QS webstore is now stocked with spring merch. Available in U.S. shops now. Japan, Europe & Canada this week. Please give us this week to catch up on the intial rush of orders e.g. don’t send a “where’s my stuff?” e-mail on Tuesday morning. Thank you everyone for your support in helping us continue to do what we do ♥

The new Helas mixtape makes me want to sell everything I own and move to Europe. Also kinda reminds me of the #fun days of catching Euro vids like TDGAFAU and issues of Puzzle stateside and fantasizing about a perfect world of marble living an ocean away. Not a ton of Lucas footage, minus a few lines and um…THIS.

New iPhone clip from Genny featuring “Don’t Mind” and a repaved Allen Street.

“Low-key we’re already rappers.” An interview with Na-kel Smith and Tyshawn Jones.

After a bondo job, this spot has been going hard in the spring Insta clip cycle.

Bobshirt has a new 20-minute video interview with Gino, where he nerds out on gear, old videos, midtown Manhattan spots (Breezy Ledges was his favorite?!), etc.

This “New Rules” montage out of Baltimore that got posted on Thrasher this weekend has been getting a lot of talk lately. A lot of its more insane tricks are in D.C. (full yell-at-screen mode at the nose manual nollie flip and knobbed Gold Rail tricks), but it’s great to see an underrated scene like Baltimore get some burn.

Behind the scenes of a one-up with Charles Rivard Ph.D.

Cell Jawn #25 via Mitch from Philly (yo everyone please watch your friends’ backs when skating the triangle on 9th Street…) + Philly trip clip via Max Hull that feels post-Love even though its pre-post-Love n shit.

Early edit of Derm’s “Welcome to Politic” part from last year #jersey #jersey #jersey

Here’s a Guardian article about Palace, where you learn that many of the beloved product descriptions on their webstore are Food Network inspired.

Fun lil’ VHS-flavored clip from some Long Island homies.

Quick feature from skateboarder turned New York firefighter, Mike Hernandez, who you might remember from old issues of Strength, Slap, etc. [Warning: bikes.]

Shout out to everyone who contributed to the Addias Ababa skatepark fund that was linked on here a few months ago. They were able to build the first skatepark in Ethiopia with the $35k that was raised.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: The Drakes would eventually lose this game, but Kyle Lowry’s timing with this Hail Mary was unbelievable. Despite having zero emotional stake in either, sorta praying for a Heat-Cavs E.C.F. for the theater.

Quote of the Week:
