Summer Slump

QS office in the middle of the summer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Buried somewhere in the backlash, Bobby put together a really great part for Riddles.

Congrats to fuckin’ Drewwww for becoming Hjalte’s teammate via subtle announcement. Here is his Paych part even tho Johnny peaked with Space Heater.

New one from Antosh and the Vancouver boys.

Tennyson Corporation put together a Mike and Quim Cardona 411 remix video to tug at your heartstrings (that nollie shove, varial flip line…) Our NY Revisited remix of Quim’s clips still gets brought up as many people’s favorite piece of QS #content, and remains one of this website’s proudest moments — probably because there are few skaters as infectiously inspiring in their footage as Quim. Thanks man ♥

“He’s not a bum, it’s crazy.” Paul Young posted Bronze’s raw footage from those couple weeks when the entire city of New York was coincidentally in Barcelona together. Just as a context for how utterly insane Barcelona is for skateboarding, Clearout (#QSTOP10 extra tweaked back smith clip), a two-week old video entirely filmed in the city, avoids almost every single spot from the Bronze clip.

TWS has a rad piece on the invention of the nollie flip, circa 1990.

A couple new Puleo clips in this commercial for German Nieves’ company, Paterson.

“What if you’d been told, on the occasion of Fully Flared‘s premiere nigh ten years ago, that Anthony Pappalardo’s part would provide a primary guiding light for the shoe supplier’s next full-length video — would you have believed it?” Boil the Ocean reviews Lakai’s latest video.

“Is this like a Seinfeld thing, where there’s no story?” Trick link: Anthony Pappalardo interviews Gino Iannucci. Gino is also now on Instagram. Everyone caves. Except Max Palmer and Stuart Hammond.

Respect for sticking the 360 flip in the security guard’s face, but so confused as to why there is an Australian video called Deadass.

Best nollie heel noseslide gets a free board.

Correction: Colin Provost’s impossible should have been in last week’s QS Top 10.

Spot Updates — 1) Not sure how recent this is, but the Philly step(s) under the Williamsburg Bridge on the way to Alligator Ledge are no more. The school installed rails running down the middle of them. 2) Here are a couple photos of the skatepark being built on 114th and 1st Avenue via neighborhood correspondent, Tron Jenkins. It is set to officially open in March of next year.

Quote of the Week: “If Pontus ever has a heart attack, I’m definitely sending my sponsor me tape to Frog.” — Hjalte Halberg

Most adorable intro to a part and top 5 most steez switch back tail ever. Thanks for all the drinks James :)

It All Started With a Manual — The Skateable History of Columbus Park

Skate spots are living, breathing things. They shift with the socioeconomic climate of the time, and position themselves to best adapt with people’s needs. Skateboarding has always been reflective of greater society, so it should come as no surprise that our lives were pushed into Columbus Park as we began to get pushed out of the pricier, glossier haunts that we once frequented in lower Manhattan.

Columbus Park sits on ominous ground. It was built on top of what was once America’s first slum: a hotbed of vice, disease, murder and clashes for control that have been documented in many books and films. Though it would take decades for the neighborhood to rid itself of the notoriety it earned throughout the 19th century, the city built Columbus Park in 1897. A hundred years passed, and then a guy from Clifton, New Jersey came along. The park began its second life as one of the few downtown spots you can skate in 2017 without getting kicked out.

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More Spots


Is E.T. still in Spain? Photo by Zach Baker

New spring goods now live on Just don’t expect a text back from Pryce.

but is E.T. still in Spain?

Over the weekend, there was a scare that Shorty’s was being demolished. Although it ended up being a miscommunication between the city and a private company, part of the structure was demolished, but much of the spot remains in tact. The Shorty’s crew met with the mayor of Newark today, and you can read an update here.

Jason Byoun wallies off of snow.

Bunches and bunches of interviews this week…

Super refreshing to see an interview with a nineties pro from the east coast that doesn’t tread the bitter waters that cover so many recollections of that time period. Chromeball interview #99 is with civil engineer, Andy Stone. Anndd Twitter’s saying the newly surfaced footage of him belongs in the Smithsonian.

Speedway Mag posted its extended interview with Josh Stewart about the entire Static series on the occasion of Theories’ ten-year anniversary. (The edited version originally appeared on the Keen Distribution site if some bits seem familiar.)

Pontus Alv interviews Johnny Wilson and then Pontus Alv interviews Bobby Puleo.

Cafe Creme blog interviewed R.B. Umali.

A Minnesotan asks a good question: why isn’t Chicago a bigger deal in skateboarding?

“Elsewhere in Los Angeles, Jim Greco boils.” As discussed last week, skateboarding has doubled down on angst while angsty icons of the 2000s have rebranded themselves with a newfound focus on straightforward skateboarding. Boil the Ocean considers our age of the self-concious comeback in skateboarding.

Consult aforelinked Andy Stone interview for context on why people still fawn over 411 videos. Tennyson comes through with another compilation, this time an eleven-minute mash-up Carl Shipman and Tom Penny, maybe the only guy out there who can keep your attention with twenty-year-old contest footage :)

This Rowan Zorilla Instagram comp is a good time.

The Northern Co. goes all-city in their five-minute “Summer Trip to New York” montage. (Ok fine, they don’t go to Staten Island — has there ever been a truly all-city summer montage though?)

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week Year[?]: Who is James Harden again?

Quote of the Week
Conor Prunty: “It took me like two years to learn how to ollie.”
Jesse Alba: “My dad is still learning how to ollie, he’s been skating for like 40 years.”


Gotta get back on it, sorry :(

Deep Freeze


Happy late birthday Max. Photo by Johnny Wilson.

Late start today, after an unprecedented first week of the year with five updates :)

Probably caught this already, but Bronze dropped a Euro trip video right before the weekend, featuring two weeks spent in Berlin and Paris.

Best Johnny Wilson clip and Max footage in a minute. A road trip with Cyrus Bennett and Loose Trucks Max from the south, thru the midwest.

Even though Sheffey and Gonz tend be the most oft-mentioned parts, in doing those “Five Favorite Part” segments, one name has been mentioned by almost every person 30+ as one of their biggest influences, and it’s Ocean Howell. Chromeball has an extensive new interview with him about his career, hiatus and return.

Disregarding the world’s toughest question, Jordan Trahan knows where to skate AND eat, as he gives a tour of his favorite restaurants, all of which are on Orchard Street.

A bunch of podcasts / audio interviews seem like they made their way online in the past week: 1) The Nine Club interviewed Gino Iannucci. 2) “I had a job working at a skate shop since I was 12 and the only thing it prepares you for in the real world is how to deal with assholes.” — Somehow missed this “Max White Presents” one with Dave Caddo. 3) Max White has another new one with Taylor Nawrocki. 4) Tim O’Connor had Bobby Puleo on for his Jenkem Podcast. 5) The Bunt’s new one is with Chad Dixon.

Colin Sussingham has a quick photo feature over on Skateboard Story.

China footage isn’t boring, it’s just all in *how* you do it.

Cafe Creme came through with a “Best of 2016” list, reminding everyone to rewatch Kyron Davis’ “No Longer a Wasteman” part, and this IG remix of Vince.

How many more years until somebody finally ollies this?

Hotbox Social compiled a 12-track mixtape of Future loosies from 2016 (“How It Feel” is still super important), and Shrimp C put together a comprehensive best of 2016 for the endlessly underrated Strap from Travis Porter.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Duh. Porzingis’ double block on Giannis, proceeded by a three.

Quote of the Week: “You don’t skate, nor is this inspirational to you.” — Lurker Lou

Found a version with no Lil Uzi. Enjoy the extra minute to your life from here on out ;)

Eleven Down


Photo via The Green Diamond, which apparently still gets updated? Who knew.

The T.F. at 1: Ten Years of Quartersnacks book is now available from Supreme and Labor for $30 — or from the Powerhouse webstore direct. Other shops will have it Tuesday, December 8. Internationally soon. Also, we’re having a launch event at the Powerhouse Arena in Dumbo this Friday, December 4, from 7 to 9 P.M. Free booze, etc. 37 Main Street. F train to York Street. Come through ;)

Vincent’s Free remix is incredible.

This dude 5050ed around the entire hundred and eighty degree curve at the Marcus Garvery flatrails, or as Slicky Boy once called it, “Marvis Gardens” :)

Thrasher posted the full text and all the photos from T.J’s interview last month.

Rad new part from Eggs legend, Gavin Nolan. Yes, there’s Houston construction in it.

New Johnny Wilson HD video blog with a bunch of “Rack” extras.

New not Johnny Wilson HD video blog with a bunch of extras from pretty much the same people. Dude Owl’s Head is coming back in a big way! #trendwatch2015 2016.

New Cell Jawn clip also featuring pretty much the same people, plus the 2nd best post-most-recent-incarceration Gucci Mane song after “Orange.”

Easy to forget that this era even happened — Bobby Puleo talks about his tenure over at Enjoi in part two of the “15 Years of Enjoi” series. Check after the 5 minute mark.

Boil the Ocean on how Josh Kasper’s willingness to embrace pro wrestling antics some twenty years ago is now being co-opted by some of skateboarding’s most beloved figureheads for headline-grabbing purposes.

Alex Olson, Jesse Alba and Chris Millic at L.E.S, down the block from Zhu’s.

Having a brand is the new being in a band. Challex Olson from Bianca Chandon / Call Me 917 has a new video interview over at VHS Mag.

New bro cam clip from the bro Gabe Tennen, who continues to maintain his longstanding allegiance to that awful Crowd Heights skatepark at Brower Park :)

Serious hangtime at 181. Also, the part of it under the overpass looks like a full crazy Euro spot if you take all the color out of the video.

I think 2015 might hold the new record for the number of skate premieres hosted by Sunshine. Transplants, the new one from Zach Moore, premieres on Thursday, December 10th, at 9 P.M. Flyer here. Teaser here.

The fat silver double rails at Grand Central / the spot formerly known as Burritoville have been turned into a four-flat-four-flat-four triple set that maybe Chris Pfanner could ollie once the barricades come down.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week:in tweet form.

Quote of the Week: “You have good credit man. Want a free iPad?” — AT&T Employee

Almost done with 2015 :/ Year-end countdown, etc. begins this week xoxo.