Raw Files in Italian :) Rat Ratz & Panorama 3 B-Sides via Spezzatura

In the warp-speed era of the skateboard news cycle, raw files, remixes and all that don’t hit quite like they did during slower times.

At least not in English they don’t — because it was hard not to laugh out loud at some of the subtitled Italian commentary [“OOO MY GOD BRO”] in Spezzatura‘s latest upload, which encompasses all the B-sides lying around the finished products of WHO SAID WHAT and Panorama 3 (which, apparently isn’t viewable in the United States anymore on account of a music rights issue?) Italians are known worldwide for their passion, and when presented with the opportunity to wail in subtitled frustration on the floor outside of a Milanese transit hub, the experience is as operatic as one would expect.

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#QSTOP10 — September 27, 2024

One footed boardslides, wide body hardflips, Mike Mo homages, and an obvious #1 this week ;)

This one got filed a little bit early, so some things got deferred until the next one.

Have a good weekend.

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Rock Band Tees & ’08 Denim — David Rind’s “Twin Flames” Video

Twin Flames is a sick NYC x Long Island scene video by David Rind, which trawls the beigest and greyest corners of the outer boroughs. Though everyone in the video carries a crust evangelist pedigree, it covers all the bases of the homie video pyramid: the homie who hucks, the tech homie who can flip in and out of front crooks, and the one homie capable of an Antonio Durao-worthy switch frontside flip over a bump-to-bar.

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A Bad Ledge & A Plate of Salmon

Adjacency Bias, the Pacific-Northwest skate scene platform, has a new video series examining the opportunities / history created by un-used tennis courts that later become skate spots, called “The Courts.” The first episode is about Portland, Oregon’s court spot.

Nelly Morville made an iPhone edit of a Limo trip to Montreal + more. Fingers crossed Nelly’s YouTube page takes the [dormant] torch from Foghornleghorn for iPhone edits from this crew.

“Antonio Durao’s most recent challenge to skating’s understood limitations suggests a new frontier for the wallride grind, though probably one that requires a certain amount of extradimensional thinking.” Boil the Ocean pontificates on a Ben Colen photo of Antonio where he is smith grinding but also …wallriding 🧠

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