70 Peanut Butter, 30 Jelly — A Web Premiere of Mike Sassano’s ‘PFP6’ Video

📷 via John Vetromile

Mike Sassano and his crew have been making videos under the PFP (“Picture Fucking Perfect”) umbrella for fifteen years. Originally based in Westchester, and expanding their imprint into the city itself, PFP6 is their first video since 2018. (For any foreign readers: those are the immediate suburbs just north of New York City, about 30-45 minutes out with no traffic.)

A lot changes over the course of six years — kids, careers, moving further out — and all those parts of growing up have a way of making skateboarding a subplot in anyone’s life, at least compared to when you had the bandwidth to drop a full video every year or two. And while those caveats make it sound like you’re about to watch some chill homie video of dudes slowing down and hitting Reggaeton Ledges on a Saturday, it’s actually the exact opposite.

PFP‘s starting five of Marcus Eagel, Andrew Singh, Brandon Gironda, Paul Hintz and Mike Bart all pretty much go the fuck off: hucking off neck high out ledges, rolling into hubbas off rooftops, getting tech, psy-op’ing security at notoriously high-bust spots (the video includes the elusive Nostrand Avenue courtyard bank-to-ledge), and even figuring out new ways to skate multi-generational staples like FedEx.

Keeping your crew together from high school and into real adulthood is no small miracle, and everyone still being able to skate at this level together is a fortune that gets bestowed on very few skate crews. You feel that infectious energy of making the most of every day off you get together with your friends come through the screen in every minute of the video :)


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