In our face-paced age of information, it is easy to forget that un-used skate footage is a commodity with an expiration date. Any number of factors — tees featuring logos of sponsors from yesteryear, spots that haven’t been with us for some time, new tats, hair — risk pulling the viewer out of the simulation that the person onscreen didn’t toil for months and years over the product at hand.
Young legend Tor Ström put together a surprise Ville Wester part and dropped it on his YouTube channel this morning. Some of it feels like it was culled from the Polar days before the switch to Palace, likely from the sessions that produced their last video, which Ville obvs had the ender in. Seeing as how “What Now?” feels every bit as — to quote a recent Thrasher caption, “fully formed” — as the part that ended up closing The Polar Video With Endless Name Variations, Ville def had an extra opus worth of footage on ice.
One of the best doing it today.