Farewell to the Triangle

It has been observed that making it to the Houston Park bump is the bare minimum benchmark to feel proud of yourself for having left L.E.S. Park. The Triangle and Tompkins had a similar relationship.

It took two hours to convince your group of friends to leave T.F. and skate to the westside. One rolled his ankle, one went to meet up with his girlfriend, another is staying to #build with Slicky Boy. The survivors begin the push down E. 9th Street. Do they make it to the westside — er, do they make it past Third Avenue?

“How was the rest of the day, did you make it to the westside?”
“No. We got stuck at the Triangle, ______ was trying some stupid trick.”

Triangles were once an unshakeable part of the cultural landscape, but whoever is in charge of streets in the East Village feels otherwise, especially as we approach the great unknown of 2018. As of yesterday, The Triangle™ is no more. What this means for other three-sided skate spots across the world, e.g. the Miami triangle, the Trianeln train station in Malmö, etc. remains to be seen.

Spend time with your triangles while you can, because as always, ain’t none of this shit promised

UPDATE: They rebuilt it today, but the bump looks pretty worthless, plus the fact it has the little pink sidewalk bumps in it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Full review coming 2018.


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