Quartersnacks Legends Series: Andre Page


Photo by Brian Kelley

You don’t make it to ten years as an internationally respected skateboard fashion house / media enterprise without a strong team. Actually, “strong” might be underselling it — the hands-down best team that exists. As we celebrate a decade, we will begin to celebrate the ones who have spent decades being great humans altogether, who just so happened to become essential pieces of the QS thinktank.

Hard to think of someone as crucial to the longterm existence of Quartersnacks as Andre Page — honorary father to a solid seventy-percent of our office, owner of the best grown and sexy ollie in the business, the best 360 flip in New York city limits, and possibly the finest practitioner of the front shove on earth. Today is his birthday, and there is no finer individual to bestow with an inaugural “QS Legends Series” part.

Thank you for everything Dre.

Have a good weekend. Step your front shove game up.


  1. The clip at 1:31 best sums up Andre in my eyes..always havin fun,laughing at a fall,getting up and doing it again..great attitude and person…happy birthday andre…MT

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