Welcome to the Bricks


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Fresh off the inaugural “Skaters in Cars Looking At Spots” segment, which claimed Governor Gall has the locations on all his photos mislabeled, this video might help narrow down the vicinity of some New Jersey crust.

Brick City Street Styles is the new video from the crew that brought you 2013’s awesome In Crust We Trust video. They skated Newark every weekend for over a year, and this is what they came back with. There’s not a whole lot of overt Newark coverage on behalf of the skate media, short of the occasional Peaches line or maybe that one Ride Channel segment, so this one-city video is pretty refreshing.

We’d also like to present whoever edited the video with our first-ever “Successfully Avoiding the Obvious” Award, which commends those who resist the temptation of excessively on-the-nose #musicsupervision decisions (e.g. Koston in Yeah Right*, New York clips edited to Nas or our L.A. clip.) They could’ve used a Redman song, and most people editing an all-Newark video would have, but they didn’t!

*Completely Unrelated: Does anyone have a link to the alternate edit of Koston’s Yeah Right part to Prince’s “Let’s Get Crazy?” It definitely exists, maybe on the non-Rhino DVD, but the fact that it is so impossible to find online would lead one to believe that it’s just some Easter egg myth. Might have something to do with Prince’s litigious attitude towards the internet though…


  1. I saw that Koston edit with my own two eyes, it was on the bonus edition of the first yeah right, had an alternate Gino part as well

  2. I still have that DVD in my shelf, this part defnietly exists.
    Alternate Gino part’s also heavy

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