See What Happens When People Stop Skating — And Start Chilling

Remember that weird 2012 One in a Million? It was a New York-based attempt to carry the weighty success of the previous season (which introduced the world to many beloved names of the current day: Chris Milic, Nik Stain, Forrest Edwards), and parlay its momentum towards a more digestible “reality” show. It didn’t work, and capsized the OIAM series as a whole.

At the time, we anticipated the contentious realities of New York skateboarding, and offered up some suggestions. They even took one that would yield Lurker Lou years worth of silent side-eyes at skateparks. But the Mad Real World edition of a New York skateboarding reality show sat on the shelf for years — too firey of a concept for an electorate not-yet-enamored with skateboarding.

Until now!

Canadians have once again found a way to push the mirror our way, and force us to acknowledge the grave truths of actually skating for three hours in a three-week span, claiming midtown but rotting away at Blue Park, and pretending that it is ever worth trying to skate Popeye’s Ledge. The TV producers at Clubgear show us what happens when people stop skating — and start chilling…