Belated Obituary: R.I.P. Terminator Rail

Based on DM intel, this occurred at some point over the last few weeks, but when one of the city’s three handrail spots goes missing, it’s worth making a public note on here — particularly as we approach high season for Summer Trip to New York clips, and arrivals from more rail-thirsty July-August ex-pats.

For the record, the spot got its name because its first-ever coverage (this is ~2002-2003) was a photo of Kerel Roach doing a frontside lipslide down the rail wearing sunglasses identical to the ones made popular by the former governor of California, in his seminal 1984 film, The Terminator.

Shout out to Yaje Popson for switch back smithing the thing in his last part with the weird editing, which is presumably one of the last times anyone ever clipped up on it ♥

Shout out to @yajecado for getting one of the last clips on the Terminator Rail, bc it’s gone now (photo via @mikeheikkila)